
I adjective attenuated, barren, below par, blemished, defective, depleted, devoid, disappointing, discontenting, empty, falling short, faulty, few, flawed, hollow, impaired, imperfect, impoverished, in arrears, inadequate, incompetent, incomplete, inferior, inops, insubstantial, insufficient, jejune, lacking, less than necessary, mancus, marred, meager, missing, not enough, not satisfying, not up to normal, not up to par, paltry, partial, poor, scant, scanty, scarce, short, shy, sketchy, skimpy, slight, small, sparing, sparse, starved, substandard, thin, too little, unample, uncompleted, undeveloped, unequal to, unfinished, unfulfilled, unfurnished, unnourishing, unprovided, unsatisfactory, unsound, unsufficing, unsupplied, void of, wanting, weak associated concepts: deficiency judgment, mentally deficient, totally deficient II index defective, delinquent (overdue), devoid, fallible, faulty, imperfect, inadequate, incompetent, inferior (lower in quality), insufficient, minimal, nonsubstantial (not sturdy), nonsubstantial (not sufficient), paltry, partial (relating to a part), perfunctory, poor (inferior in quality), scarce, unqualified (not competent), unsatisfactory, unsound (not strong)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

Incomplete; defective; not sufficient in quantity or force.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

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  • déficient — déficient, iente [ defisjɑ̃, jɑ̃t ] adj. • 1290; lat. deficiens, p. prés. de deficere « manquer » 1 ♦ Qui présente une déficience. Organisme déficient. Intelligence déficiente. ⇒ faible, insuffisant. N. Les déficients auditifs, moteurs. ⇒… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • deficient — DEFICIÉNT, Ă, deficienţi, te, adj. Care are o insuficienţă organică sau mintală. ♦ Care produce mai puţin decât trebuie, decât e planificat. ♦ (Substantivat) Persoană lipsită de anumite facultăţi fizice sau psihice. Un deficient mintal. [pr.: ci… …   Dicționar Român

  • Deficient — De*fi cient, a. [L. deficiens, entis, p. pr. of deficere to be wanting. See {Defect}.] Wanting, to make up completeness; wanting, as regards a requirement; not sufficient; inadequate; defective; imperfect; incomplete; lacking; as, deficient… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Deficient-ly — Deficient De*fi cient, a. [L. deficiens, entis, p. pr. of deficere to be wanting. See {Defect}.] Wanting, to make up completeness; wanting, as regards a requirement; not sufficient; inadequate; defective; imperfect; incomplete; lacking; as,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • deficient — adj Deficient, defective mean showing lack of something necessary. The words are sometimes used interchangeably though they tend to diverge in their meanings. Deficient typically implies a falling short in the amount, quantity, or force… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • déficient — déficient, ente (dé fi si an, an t ) adj. Terme d arithmétique. Nombre déficient, ou, substantivement, un déficient, nombre dont les parties aliquotes ou facteurs font une somme moindre que le nombre lui même. 10 est un nombre déficient, la somme …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • deficient — [dē fish′ənt, difish′ənt] adj. [L deficiens: see DEFICIENCY] 1. lacking in some essential; incomplete; defective 2. inadequate in amount, quality, or degree; not sufficient n. a deficient person or thing deficiently adv …   English World dictionary

  • Deficient — (v. lat.), 1) fehlend; deficiente pecunia, beim Mangel am Gelde; 2) abtrünnig; 3) ein Schuldner, der nicht bezahlt; 4) entkräftet, dienstuntauglich geworden; so Deficientenpriester, in der katholischen Kirche die zur seelsorglichen Amtsführung… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Deficient — Deficient, in der kathol. Kirche ein für seine Amtsführung unfähig gewordener Geistlicher, der sein Amt für einstweilen oder immer abgeben muß; sein Gehalt heißt D.engehalt …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • deficient — 1580s, from L. deficientem (nom. deficiens), prp. of deficere to desert, revolt, fail, from de down, away (see DE (Cf. de )) + facere to do, perform (see FACTITIOUS (Cf. factitious)) …   Etymology dictionary

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