Homestead Act

Homestead Act
A federal law, passed in 1862, which allowed people to become owners of up to 160 acres of unappropriated public land by filing an application, living on the land and improving it for five years, and paying a filing fee to acquire title.
Category: Real Estate & Rental Property → Homeowners

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

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  • Homestead Act — Le Homestead Act est une loi des États Unis d’Amérique, signée par le président Abraham Lincoln le 20 mai 1862. Elle permet à chaque famille pouvant justifier qu elle occupe un terrain depuis 5 ans d en revendiquer la propriété privée, et ce dans …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • Homestead Act — a special act of Congress (1862) that made public lands in the West available to settlers without payment, usually in lots of 160 acres, to be used as farms. * * * …   Universalium

  • Homestead Act — /ˈhoʊmstɛd/ (say hohmsted) noun a special act (1862) of the US Congress which made lands in the West available to settlers without payments …  

  • Homestead Act — a special act of Congress (1862) that made public lands in the West available to settlers without payment, usually in lots of 160 acres, to be used as farms …   Useful english dictionary

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