homestead declaration

homestead declaration
A form filed with the county recorder's office to put on record your right to a homestead exemption. In most states, the homestead exemption is automatic—that is, a homeowner is not required to record a homestead declaration in order to claim the homestead exemption. A few states do require such a recording, however.
Category: Bankruptcy, Foreclosure & Debt → Bankruptcy

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

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  • declaration — dec·la·ra·tion n 1: the act of declaring declaration of dividends declaration of war 2 a: the first pleading in a common law action compare complaint …   Law dictionary

  • declaration of homestead — see declaration 4 Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • declaration — In common law pleading, the first of the pleadings on the part of the plaintiff in an action at law, being a formal and methodical specification of the facts and circumstances constituting his cause or action. It commonly comprises several… …   Black's law dictionary

  • declaration — In common law pleading, the first of the pleadings on the part of the plaintiff in an action at law, being a formal and methodical specification of the facts and circumstances constituting his cause or action. It commonly comprises several… …   Black's law dictionary

  • homestead — In a popular sense, the place of the home–the residence of the family; it represents the dwelling house in which the family resides, with the usual and customary appurtenances, including the outbuildings of every kind necessary or convenient for… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • homestead — home·stead / hōm ˌsted, stid/ n 1 a: the home and adjoining land with any buildings that is occupied usu. by a family as its principal residence b: an estate created by law in a homestead esp. for the purpose of taking advantage of a homestead… …   Law dictionary

  • homestead exemption — n: an exemption from liability that prevents creditors from obtaining satisfaction from a debtor s homestead see also declaration of homestead at declaration 4 ◇ The laws governing the homestead exemption vary greatly from state to state. Most… …   Law dictionary

  • declaration of abandonment of homestead — A formal declaration of abandonment of a homestead, executed and acknowledged as required by statute and recorded in the office in which the homestead was recorded …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • homestead exemption laws — Laws passed in most states allowing a householder or head of a family to designate a house and land as his homestead, and exempting the same homestead from execution by creditors for his general debts (in, for example, bankruptcy proceedings).… …   Black's law dictionary

  • homestead exemption laws — Laws passed in most states allowing a householder or head of a family to designate a house and land as his homestead, and exempting the same homestead from execution by creditors for his general debts (in, for example, bankruptcy proceedings).… …   Black's law dictionary

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