implied contract

implied contract
implied contract see contract

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

implied contract
A contract that is found to exist even when its terms are not explicitly stated because
1) the parties assumed a contract existed (implied-in-fact contract), or
2) denying the contract's existence would result in unjust enrichment to one of the parties (implied-in-law contract). Compare: express contract
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Category: Personal Finance & Retirement → Taxes → Tax Audits
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Category: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

implied contract
A contract not created or evidenced by the explicit agreement of the parties but one inferred by law; as the use of electric power in your home implies a contract with the light company.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

implied contract
   an agreement which is found to exist based on the circumstances when to deny a contract would be unfair and/or result in unjust enrichment to one of the parties. An implied contract is distinguished from an "express contract."

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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  • implied contract — ➔ contract1 * * * implied contract UK US noun [C] ► LAW a legal agreement in which the details are not clearly stated: »The court said tribunals should consider the possibility of temporary workers having an implied contract of service with… …   Financial and business terms

  • Implied Contract — A legal substitute for a contract. An implied contract is an agreement created by actions of the parties involved, but it is not written or spoken. This is a contract assumed to have been drawn. In this case, there is no written record nor any… …   Investment dictionary

  • implied contract — express and implied contracts An express contract is an actual agreement of the parties, the terms of which are openly uttered or declared at the time of making it, being stated in distinct and explicit language, either orally or in writing. An… …   Black's law dictionary

  • implied contract — express and implied contracts An express contract is an actual agreement of the parties, the terms of which are openly uttered or declared at the time of making it, being stated in distinct and explicit language, either orally or in writing. An… …   Black's law dictionary

  • implied contract — contract which is deduced through the behavior of the parties involved …   English contemporary dictionary

  • implied contract — A contract inferred from the conduct of the parties, although not expressed in words. Corriveau v Jenkins Bros. 144 Conn 383, 132 A2d 67. Implied in fact:–a real contract but one inferred from the circumstances, the conduct, acts, or relation of… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • implied contract — /ɪmˈplaɪd kɒntrækt/ (say im pluyd kontrakt) noun a contract not based on express words but arising from other circumstances. Also, implied promise, implied term …  

  • implied contract —    An agreement that is judged to be in effect based on circumstances and actions rather than on the wording of the agreement. The situation arises when to deny that a contract exists would be unfair or result in unjust enrichment to one of the… …   Business law dictionary

  • implied contract — noun 1. : a contract inferred to have been entered into by the parties to it from their conduct or from a special relationship existing between them 2. : quasi contract …   Useful english dictionary

  • Implied Contract Terms — Items that a court will assume are intended to be included in a contract, even though they are not expressly stated. Businesspeople generally do not want to rely upon a court s interpretation of implied terms, so a good contract will often be… …   Investment dictionary

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