
I adjective base, boorish, common, contemptible, corrupt, cowardly, craven, debased, degenerate, degraded, depraved, despicable, discreditable, dishonest, dishonorable, disreputable, ignoble, ignominious, inferior, inglorious, mean, penitent, plebeian, repentant, reproachful, scandalous, scurrilous, servile, sordid, wretched II index base (inferior), blameful, blameworthy, caitiff, contemptible, contemptuous, ignoble, loathsome, odious, servile, sordid, subservient

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  • abject — abject, e [ abʒɛkt ] adj. • av. 1460; lat. abjectus ♦ Digne du plus grand mépris, qui inspire une violente répulsion. ⇒ abominable, dégoûtant, ignoble, infâme, méprisable, odieux, vil. Un être abject. Il a été abject. Des sentiments abjects. Son… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • abject — abject, ecte (ab jè kt ou ab jè, au fém. abjè kt ) adj. Qui est rejeté et digne de l être ; et, par conséquent, vil, méprisable. Les âmes abjectes. Il est d une naissance abjecte. •   Tout ce qu il y a de grand et tout ce qu il y a d abject, PASC …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • abject — abjéct, ă adj. care inspiră dezgust, repulsie, dispreţ; abominabil. (< fr. abject, lat. abiectus) Trimis de tavi, 08.01.2003. Sursa: MDN  ABJÉCT, Ă, abjecţi, te, adj. Care inspiră repulsie, dispreţ; josnic, netrebnic, mizerabil. – Din fr.… …   Dicționar Român

  • abject — ab ject ([a^]b j[e^]kt), a. [L. abjectus, p. p. of abjicere to throw away; ab + jacere to throw. See {Jet} a shooting forth.] 1. Cast down; low lying. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] From the safe shore their floating carcasses And broken chariot wheels;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • abject — ► ADJECTIVE 1) extremely unpleasant and degrading: abject poverty. 2) completely without pride or dignity: an abject apology. DERIVATIVES abjection noun abjectly adverb abjectness noun. ORIGIN Latin abjectus rejected , from jacere to throw …   English terms dictionary

  • abject — [ab′jekt΄, ab jekt′] adj. [ME < L abjectus, pp. of abjicere, to throw away < ab , from + jacere, to throw: see JET1] 1. of the lowest degree; miserable; wretched [abject poverty] 2. lacking self respect; degraded [an abject coward] SYN.… …   English World dictionary

  • Abject — Ab*ject ([a^]b*j[e^]kt ), v. t. [From {Abject}, a.] To cast off or down; hence, to abase; to degrade; to lower; to debase. [Obs.] Donne. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • abject — ABJECT, [abj]ecte. Adj. Méprisable, bas, vil, dont on ne fait nulle estime. Il se dit principalement de la naissance & de la condition. Un homme abject. condition abjecte. des emplois, des usages vils & abjects …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Abject — Ab ject ([a^]b j[e^]kt), n. A person in the lowest and most despicable condition; a castaway. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Shall these abjects, these victims, these outcasts, know any thing of pleasure? I. Taylor. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • abject — (adj.) early 15c., cast off, rejected, from L. abjectus, pp. of abicere to throw away, cast off; degrade, humble, lower, from ab away, off (see AB (Cf. ab )) + iacere to throw (pp. iactus; see JET (Cf. jet) (v.)). Figurative sense of …   Etymology dictionary

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