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abscond — ab|scond [əbˈskɔnd, æb US æbˈska:nd] v [i]formal [Date: 1500 1600; : Latin; Origin: abscondere, from abs away + condere to hide ] 1.) to escape from a place where you are being kept abscond from ▪ The boy absconded from a children s home. 2.) to… … Dictionary of contemporary English
abscond — UK [əbˈskɒnd] / US [əbˈskɑnd] verb [intransitive] Word forms abscond : present tense I/you/we/they abscond he/she/it absconds present participle absconding past tense absconded past participle absconded formal 1) to escape from a place where you… … English dictionary
abscond — ab|scond [ əb skand ] verb intransitive FORMAL 1. ) to suddenly leave a place and take something with you that does not belong to you: abscond with: One of the bank s employees had absconded with the cash. 2. ) to escape from a place where you… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
abscond — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. i. decamp, bolt, run away, flee, fly, take off. See avoidance, escape.Ant., abide, stay. II (Roget s IV) v. Syn. flee, steal off, slip away; see escape . III (Roget s 3 Superthesaurus) (VOCABULARY… … English dictionary for students
abscond — ab·scond /ab skänd, əb / vi: to depart secretly: withdraw and hide oneself; specif: to evade the legal process of a court by hiding within or secretly leaving its jurisdiction abscond ed with the funds abscond from New York abscond to Canada… … Law dictionary
abscond — v. (D; intr.) to abscond from; with (they absconded from the country with the funds) * * * [əb skɒnd] with (they absconded from the country with the funds) (D; intr.) to abscond from … Combinatory dictionary
abscond — [[t]æbskɒ̱nd[/t]] absconds, absconding, absconded 1) VERB If someone absconds from somewhere such as a prison, they escape from it or leave it without permission. [FORMAL] He was remanded in care and ordered to appear the following day, but… … English dictionary
abscond — verb (I) 1 to suddenly leave the place where you work after having stolen money from it (+ with): The chief accountant had absconded with all the money. 2 to escape from a place where you are being kept for doing something wrong: Several boys… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
abscond — absconder, n. /ab skond /, v.i. to depart in a sudden and secret manner, esp. to avoid capture and legal prosecution: The cashier absconded with the money. [1605 15; < L abscondere to hide or stow away, equiv. to abs ABS + condere to stow (con… … Universalium
abscond — Synonyms and related words: abandon, absquatulate, beat a retreat, bolt, bow out, break, bunk, clear out, cut and run, decamp, depart, desert, disappear, elope, evacuate, flee, fly, fugitate, go, go AWOL, jump, jump bail, leave, levant, make off … Moby Thesaurus