absent oneself
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absent oneself — v. stay away, withdraw oneself, be absent from … English contemporary dictionary
absent oneself — stay or go away. → absent … English new terms dictionary
absent oneself — Syn: stay away, be absent, go away, leave, withdraw … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary
absent oneself from — stay away, leave, withdraw, play truant … English contemporary dictionary
absent — [ab′sənt; ] for v. [, ab sent′, əbsənt] adj. [ME < OFr < L absens, prp. of abesse < ab , away + esse, to be: see IS1] 1. not present; away 2. not existing; lacking 3. not attentive; absorbed in thought vt. to keep (oneself) away … English World dictionary
absent — ► ADJECTIVE 1) not present. 2) showing a lack of attention. ► VERB (absent oneself) ▪ stay or go away. DERIVATIVES absently adverb. ORIGIN from Latin abesse to be away … English terms dictionary
absent — I adj. absent from (she was absent from school) II v. (D; refl.) to absent from (to absent oneself from a meeting) * * * [ æbs(ə)nt] absent from (she was absent from school) (D; refl.) to absent from (to absent oneself from a meeting) … Combinatory dictionary
absent — absentation /ab seuhn tay sheuhn/, n. absenter, n. absentness, n. adj., prep. /ab seuhnt/; v. /ab sent , ab seuhnt/, adj. 1. not in a certain place at a given time; away, missing (opposed to present): absent from class. 2. lacking; nonexistent:… … Universalium
absent — 1. adjective 1) she was absent from work an absent parent Syn: away, off, out, nonattending, truant; off duty, on holiday, on leave; gone, missing, unavailable, nonexistent; informal AWOL, playing hooky … Thesaurus of popular words
absent — adjective 1) she was absent from work Syn: away, off, out, elsewhere, off duty, on holiday, on leave; informal AWOL 2) symptoms were absent Syn: non existent, lacking, missing 3) … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary