acting without due consideration

acting without due consideration
index ill-judged

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  • Acting President of the United States — is a reference to a person who is legitimately exercising the Presidential powers even though that person does not hold the office of the President of the United States in his own right. John Tyler, the first to assume the Presidency following… …   Wikipedia

  • Congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency — Classification and external resources Deficient 21 Hydroxylase can lead to accumulation of 17 Hydroxyprogesterone ICD …   Wikipedia

  • ill-judged — I adjective acting without due consideration, against reason, blind, careless, hasty, headstrong, heedless, ill advised, ill chosen, ill considered, ill contrived, illogical, impatient, imprudent, inconsiderate, inept, inexact, inexpedient,… …   Law dictionary

  • Child protection — For other uses, see Child protection (disambiguation). Caring for children At home Parents · Extended family …   Wikipedia

  • rash — rash1 rashly, adv. rashness, n. /rash/, adj. rasher, rashest. 1. acting or tending to act too hastily or without due consideration. 2. characterized by or showing too great haste or lack of consideration: rash promises. [1350 1400; ME; c. D, G… …   Universalium

  • rash — I. /ræʃ / (say rash) adjective 1. acting too hastily or without due consideration. 2. characterised by or showing too great haste or lack of consideration: *He held his seat by attending faithfully to the petty needs of his electors and making… …  

  • ill-advised — ill advisedly /il euhd vuy zid lee/, adv. /il euhd vuyzd /, adj. acting or done without due consideration; imprudent: an ill advised remark. [1585 95] Syn. unwise, shortsighted, ill judged, senseless. * * * …   Universalium

  • ill-advised — ill′ advised′ adj. acting or done without due consideration; imprudent: an ill advised remark[/ex] • Etymology: 1585–95 ill advis′edly, adv …   From formal English to slang

  • rash — I [[t]ræʃ[/t]] adj. er, est 1) acting too hastily or without due consideration 2) made or done with reckless or ill considered haste: rash promises[/ex] • Etymology: 1350–1400; ME; c. D, G rasch quick, brisk, ON rǫskr brave rash′ly, adv.… …   From formal English to slang

  • ill-advised — /ˈɪl ədvaɪzd / (say il uhdvuyzd) adjective acting or done without due consideration; imprudent. –ill advisedly /ɪl ədˈvaɪzədli/ (say il uhd vuyzuhdlee), adverb …  

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