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adjust — Three new uses of this verb entered the language in the 20c: 1. Intransitive, with or without to: to adapt oneself to something • (She seemed to have adjusted to her new status with little difficulty L. Niven, 1983 • She needs time to adjust S.… … Modern English usage
adjust — ad•just [[t]əˈdʒʌst[/t]] v. t. 1) to change (something) so that it fits, corresponds, or conforms; adapt; accommodate: to adjust expenses to income[/ex] 2) to put in working order or in a proper state or position: to adjust an instrument[/ex] 3)… … From formal English to slang
adjust — /euh just /, v.t. 1. to change (something) so that it fits, corresponds, or conforms; adapt; accommodate: to adjust expenses to income. 2. to put in good working order; regulate; bring to a proper state or position: to adjust an instrument. 3. to … Universalium
adjust — /əˈdʒʌst / (say uh just) verb (t) 1. to fit, as one thing to another; make correspondent or conformable; adapt; accommodate: to adjust things to a standard. 2. to put in working order; regulate; bring to a proper state or position: to adjust an… …
adjust — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. t. fix, adapt, true, regulate, straighten; settle, compensate; equalize, rate. See agreement, equality. II (Roget s IV) v. 1. [To bring into agreement] Syn. change, modify, alter, adapt, accommodate,… … English dictionary for students
adjust — verb 1) Nanfeldt never quite adjusted to military life Syn: adapt to, become accustomed to, get used to, accommodate oneself to, acclimatize to, acclimate to, orient oneself to, reconcile oneself to, habituate oneself to, assimilate to,… … Thesaurus of popular words
adjust — verb Etymology: Middle English ajusten, from Old French ajuster to make conform, from a (from Latin ad ) + juste right, exact more at just Date: 14th century transitive verb 1. a. to bring to a more satisf … New Collegiate Dictionary
adjust — v. 1 tr. a arrange; put in the correct order or position. b regulate, esp. by a small amount. 2 tr. (usu. foll. by to) make suitable. 3 tr. harmonize (discrepancies). 4 tr. assess (loss or damages). 5 intr. (usu. foll. by to) make oneself suited… … Useful english dictionary
adjust — ad·just ə jəst vt to bring about orientation or adaptation of (oneself) vi 1) to adapt oneself (as to climate, food, or new working hours) 2) to achieve mental and behavioral balance between one s own needs and the demands of others… … Medical dictionary
adjust — verb 1) he adjusted the brakes Syn: modify, alter, regulate, tune, fine tune, balance, tailor, customize, rearrange, change, reshape; informal tweak 2) Kate had adjusted to her new life Syn … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary