
I (acceptance) noun admission, confirmation, designation, entrance, entree, entry, inclusion, induction, initiation, permission II (means of approach) noun access, admission, approach, avenue, course, entrance, entry, entryway, ingress, inlet, liberty of approach, opening, passage, passageway, path, portal, road, route, way III index access (right of way), acknowledgment (acceptance), admission (entry), ingress, introduction, receipt (act of receiving)

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  • admittance — [ admitɑ̃s ] n. f. • 1896; mot angl. , du lat. admittere « admettre » ♦ Phys. Grandeur inverse de l impédance totale d un circuit électrique ou de l impédance équivalente d un conducteur inséré dans un circuit de courant alternatif. L unité d… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Admittance — Ad*mit tance, n. 1. The act of admitting. [1913 Webster] 2. Permission to enter; the power or right of entrance; also, actual entrance; reception. [1913 Webster] To gain admittance into the house. South. [1913 Webster] He desires admittance to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • admittance — admittance, admission. Admittance is mostly confined to the literal sense of allowing one to enter a locality or building {no admittance without a pass} {admittance to the grounds} Admission has acquired the figurative sense of admitting to… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Admittance — Ad*mit tance, n. (Elec.) The reciprocal of impedance. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] || …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • admittance — (n.) 1580s, the action of admitting, formed in English from ADMIT (Cf. admit) + ANCE (Cf. ance) (if from Latin, it would have been *admittence; French uses accès in this sense). Used formerly in senses where ADMISSION (Cf. admission) now prevails …   Etymology dictionary

  • admittance — [n] permission to enter access, entrance, entrée, entry, ingress, pass, passage, reception; concepts 388,685 …   New thesaurus

  • admittance — ► NOUN ▪ the process or fact of entering or being allowed to enter …   English terms dictionary

  • admittance — [ad mit′ ns, ədmit′ ns] n. 1. an admitting or being admitted 2. permission or right to enter 3. Elec. the ratio of effective current to effective voltage in a circuit carrying an alternating current; the reciprocal of impedance, measured in… …   English World dictionary

  • Admittance — In electrical engineering, the admittance ( Y ) is the inverse of the impedance ( Z ). The SI unit of admittance is the siemens. Oliver Heaviside coined the term in December 1887. [Ushida et al., Immittance matching for multidimensional open… …   Wikipedia

  • Admittance — L admittance, notée Y, est l inverse de l impédance. Elle se mesure en siemens (S). Elle est définie par : Avec : Y l admittance en S ; Z l impédance en Ω. L impédance étant une résistance complexe, et la conductance G étant l… …   Wikipédia en Français

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