
in·nu·en·do /ˌi-nyü-'wen-dō/ n: a parenthetical explanation of the text of a legal document; esp: an explanation in a complaint for defamation of the defamatory meaning of a statement by the defendant which is not defamatory on its face compare inducement

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I noun accusation, allusion, aside, aspersion, charge, connotation, denuntiatio, hint, implication, implied indication, imputation, incrimination, indication, indirect allusion, inference, insinuation, mention, nuntius, oblique allusion, overtone, reference, reflection, significatio, suggestion associated concepts: defamation, disparagement, libel, slander II index connotation, implication (inference), indication, insinuation, intimation, reference (allusion), referral, suggestion

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

A suggestive remark or hint; in a libel action, the part of the pleading in which the plaintiff explains the meaning of the allegedly libelous words.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.


Collins dictionary of law. . 2001.

From Latin innuere, "to nod toward." In law it means an indirect hint. In defamation cases, defendants sometimes use innuendo when making a comment about the person suing. For example, if there is only one living ex-mayor, the statement "the former mayor is a crook" uses innuendo.
Category: Accidents & Injuries
Category: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

n. Latin
1 An indirect or suggestive remark, usually a disparagement of someone.
2 A section in a libel pleading explaining the plaintiff's construction of the defendant's allegedly libelous utterances.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

   from Latin innuere, "to nod toward." In law it means "an indirect hint." "Innuendo" is used in lawsuits for defamation (libel or slander), usually to show that the party suing was the person about whom the nasty statements were made or why the comments were defamatory. Example: "the former Mayor is a crook," and Joe Alabaster is the only living ex-Mayor, thus by innuendo Alabaster is the target of the statement; or "Joe Alabaster was paid $100,000 by the Hot Springs Water Company," when it was known that Hot Springs was bucking for a contract with the city. The innuendo is that Alabaster took a bribe.
   See also: defamation, libel, slander

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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  • Innuendo — Studioalbum von Queen Veröffentlichung 4. Februar 1991 Label Parlophone/EMI; Hollywood Rec …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Innuendo — (album) Innuendo Album par Queen Sortie 4 février 1991 (UK) 5 février 1991 (US) Enregistrement mars 1989 novembre 1990 Durée 53 min 48 s Genre(s) Rock …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Innuendo — In nu*en do, n.; pl. {Innuedoes}(?). [L., by intimation, by hinting, gerund of innuere, innutum, to give a nod, to intimate; pref. in in, to + nuere (in comp.) to nod. See {Nutation}.] 1. An oblique hint; a remote allusion or reference, usually… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • innuendo — 1670s, oblique hint, indiscreet suggestion, usually a depreciatory one, from L. innuendo by meaning, pointing to, lit. giving a nod to, ablative of gerund of innuere to mean, signify, lit. to nod to, from in at + nuere to nod (see NUMINOUS (Cf.… …   Etymology dictionary

  • innuendo — insinuation Analogous words: hinting or hint, intimation, suggestion (see corresponding verbs at SUGGEST): implication, inference: allusion (see corresponding verb at REFER) …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • innuendo — meaning ‘an indirectly disparaging hint or remark’, has the plural form innuendoes. The word is derived from a Latin gerund (verbal noun) meaning ‘by nodding at’, i.e. ‘by pointing to, by meaning’. In English it was originally used in legal… …   Modern English usage

  • innuendo — [n] suggestion allusion, aside, aspersion, hint, implication, imputation, insinuation, intimation, overtone, reference, whisper; concepts 75,278 Ant. evidence, proof …   New thesaurus

  • innuendo — ► NOUN (pl. innuendoes or innuendos) ▪ an allusive or oblique remark, typically a suggestive or disparaging one. ORIGIN originally used in legal documents, meaning «that is to say»: from Latin, by nodding at, by pointing to , from in towards +… …   English terms dictionary

  • innuendo — [in΄yo͞o en′dō] n. pl. innuendoes or innuendos [L, by nodding to, abl. of ger. of innuere, to nod to, hint < in , in + nuere, to nod < IE base * neu , to jerk, beckon, nod > Sans návatē, (he) turns, L numen, a nod] 1. Law explanatory… …   English World dictionary

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