aid with a subsidy

aid with a subsidy
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  • AID — 1 vt: to provide with what is useful in achieving an end conspiracy to counsel or aid draft resisters K. A. Cohen often used in the phrase aid and abet; see also abet vi: to be of use aided in the commission of the crime aid·er …   Law dictionary

  • Subsidy — Sub si*dy, n.; pl. {Subsidies}. [L. subsidium the troops stationed in reserve in the third line of battlem reserve, support, help, fr. subsidere to sit down, lie in wait: cf. F. subside. See {Subside}.] 1. Support; aid; co[ o]peration; esp.,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • aid — [n1] help, support advancement, advice, advocacy, alleviation, allowance, assist, assistance, attention, backing, backup, benefaction, benefit, benevolence, bounty, care, charity, comfort, compensation, cooperation, deliverance, encouragement,… …   New thesaurus

  • subsidy — /sub si dee/, n., pl. subsidies. 1. a direct pecuniary aid furnished by a government to a private industrial undertaking, a charity organization, or the like. 2. a sum paid, often in accordance with a treaty, by one government to another to… …   Universalium

  • Subsidy — In economics, a subsidy (also known as a subvention) is a form of financial assistance paid to a business or economic sector. A subsidy can be used to support businesses that might otherwise fail, or to encourage activities that would otherwise… …   Wikipedia

  • aid — aider, n. aidful, adj. aidless, adj. /ayd/, v.t. 1. to provide support for or relief to; help: to aid the homeless victims of the fire. 2. to promote the progress or accomplishment of; facilitate. v.i. 3. to give help or assistance. n. 4. help or …   Universalium

  • aid — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Give support to Nouns 1. (help given) aid, assistance, help, succor, relief; maintenance, sustenance, provision, upkeep, livelihood, daily bread; support, advance, furtherance, promotion; patronage,… …   English dictionary for students

  • AID — /ayd/, n. U.S. Govt. the division of the United States International Development Cooperation Agency that coordinates the various foreign aid programs with U.S. foreign policy: established in 1961. [A(gency for) I(nternational) D(evelopment)] 1.… …   Universalium

  • aid — I. verb Etymology: Middle English eyden, from Anglo French aider, from Latin adjutare, frequentative of adjuvare, from ad + juvare to help Date: 15th century transitive verb to provide with what is useful or necessary in achieving an end… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • aid — v 1. help, assist, bestead, accommodate, oblige, abet, befriend; contribute, join in, Inf. pitch in, Inf. chip in, lend a hand, lend oneself to, play or do one s part, boost, give a boost to, give a lift to; (all usually negative) lift a finger,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

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