announce publicly
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announce — [ə nouns′] vt. announced, announcing [ME announcen < OFr anoncier < L annuntiare, to make known < ad , to + nuntiare, to report < nuntius, messenger: see NUNCIO] 1. to declare publicly; give notice of formally; proclaim 2. to say or… … English World dictionary
announce — announceable, adj. /euh nowns /, v., announced, announcing. v.t. 1. to make known publicly or officially; proclaim; give notice of: to announce a special sale. 2. to state the approach or presence of: to announce guests; to announce dinner. 3. to … Universalium
announce — verb ADVERB ▪ formally, officially, publicly ▪ happily, proudly, triumphantly ▪ The company proudly announced the launch of its new range of cars. ▪ … Collocations dictionary
announce — an•nounce [[t]əˈnaʊns[/t]] v. nounced, nounc•ing 1) to make known publicly or officially; proclaim; give notice of: to announce an engagement[/ex] 2) to state the approach or presence of: to announce a guest[/ex] 3) to make known to the mind or… … From formal English to slang
announce — verb (announced; announcing) Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French annuncier, from Latin annuntiare, from ad + nuntiare to report, from nuntius messenger Date: 15th century transitive verb 1. to make known publicly ; … New Collegiate Dictionary
announce — [[t]əna͟ʊns[/t]] ♦ announces, announcing, announced 1) VERB If you announce something, you tell people about it publicly or officially. [V that] He will announce tonight that he is resigning from office... [V n] She was planning to announce her… … English dictionary
announce — [c]/əˈnaʊns / (say uh nowns) verb (announced, announcing) –verb (t) 1. to make known publicly; give notice of. 2. to state the approach or presence of: to announce guests; to announce dinner. 3. to make known to the mind or senses. –verb (i) 4.… …
publicly — adv. Publicly is used with these adjectives: ↑acceptable, ↑accessible, ↑accountable, ↑available, ↑opposed Publicly is used with these verbs: ↑accuse, ↑acknowledge, ↑advocate, ↑air, ↑announce, ↑ … Collocations dictionary
announce — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. tell, proclaim, publish, make known; broadcast, report. See information, prediction, publication. II (Roget s IV) v. Syn. declare, proclaim, publish, state; see advertise 1 , declare 1 . See Synonym… … English dictionary for students
announce — 1 (often foll. by that) make publicly known. 2 make known the arrival or imminence of (a guest, dinner, etc.). 3 make known (without words) to the senses or the mind; be a sign of. Derivatives: announcement n. Etymology: ME f. OF annoncer f … Useful english dictionary