
I (distasteful) adjective abhorrent, bitter, disagreeable, disgusting, displeasing, hateful, loathsome, odious, offensive, repellent, repugnant, repulsive, undesirable, uninviting, unsatisfactory, virulent II (oppositional) adjective adverse, alien, alienated, antagonistic, antipodean, antithetic, antithetical, at cross-purposes, averse, conflicting, constitutionally opposed, contradictory, contradistinct, contrapositive, contrary, contrasted, converse, counter, diametrically opposite, having a natural contrariety, inimical, negatory, opposed, opposing, opposite, oppositive, oppugnant, resistant, reverse, unfriendly, unpropitious III index averse, bitter (reproachful), contrary, disinclined, hostile, inimical, malevolent, negative, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive (offending), renitent, spiteful

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  • antipathetic — antipathetic, unsympathetic, averse are often used as if they were synonyms. They are, however, not interchangeable if employed in accord with careful usage. Strictly, antipathetic is applied to things or to persons objectively considered that… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Antipathetic — An ti*pa*thet ic, Antipathetical An ti*pa*thet ic*al, a. Having a natural contrariety, or constitutional aversion, to a thing; characterized by antipathy; often followed by to. Fuller. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • antipathetic — (adj.) 1630s having an antipathy for, from an adjectival construction from Gk. antipathein (see ANTIPATHY (Cf. antipathy)). Related: antipathetical (c.1600); antipathetically …   Etymology dictionary

  • antipathetic — [an΄tə pə thet′ik, an tip΄əthet′ik] adj. [< ANTIPATHY, infl. by PATHETIC] 1. having antipathy 2. opposed or antagonistic in character, tendency, etc.: Also antipathetical antipathetically adv …   English World dictionary

  • antipathetic — adjective Date: 1640 1. having a natural aversion; also not sympathetic ; hostile < a government antipathetic to democracy > 2. arousing antipathy < an antipathetic …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • antipathetic — antipathetically, adv. antipatheticalness, n. /an ti peuh thet ik, an tip euh /, adj. 1. opposed, averse, or contrary; having or showing antipathy: They were antipathetic to many of the proposed changes 2. causing or likely to cause antipathy:… …   Universalium

  • antipathetic — an|ti|pa|thet|ic [ˌæntıpəˈθetık] adj formal having a very strong feeling of disliking or opposing someone or something = ↑hostile antipathetic to ▪ It s human nature to be antipathetic to change …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • antipathetic — an·ti·pa·thet·ic .ant i pə thet ik adj 1) having a natural opposition to something <an immune response which can be both antipathetic to the tumour...and protective (Nature)> 2) inducing or characterized by antipathy …   Medical dictionary

  • antipathetic — /ˌæntipəˈθɛtɪk/ (say .anteepuh thetik) adjective (sometimes followed by to) having a natural antipathy, contrariety, or constitutional aversion: he was antipathetic to any change. –antipathetically, adverb …  

  • antipathetic — antipathy ► NOUN (pl. antipathies) ▪ a strong feeling of dislike. DERIVATIVES antipathetic adjective. ORIGIN Greek antipatheia, from anti against + pathos feeling …   English terms dictionary

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