joint adventure — The relationship created when two or more persons combine in a joint business enterprise for their mutual benefit with the understanding that they are to share in the profits or losses and that each is to have voice in its management. Chisholm v… … Ballentine's law dictionary
joint adventure — noun : a partnership or cooperative agreement between two or more persons restricted to a single specific undertaking called also joint undertaking; compare syndicate … Useful english dictionary
joint venture — joint ven·ture / ven chər/ n 1: a cooperative business agreement or partnership between two or more parties that is usu. limited to a single enterprise and that involves the sharing of resources, control, profits, and losses compare combination 2 … Law dictionary
joint — adj 1: common to two or more: as a: involving the combined activity or negligence of two or more a joint tort see also joint tortfeasor compare several b … Law dictionary
joint enterprise — n 1: joint venture 2: an undertaking of two or more parties for a common purpose in which each shares a common interest and an equal right of control (as of a vehicle) ◇ In regard to a tort involving such an enterprise, a third party may impute… … Law dictionary
adventure — A hazardous and striking enterprise. A bold undertaking accompanied by possible hazards, risks and unforeseen events. A common word in marine insurance policies, used as synonymous, or nearly so, with perils. A shipment of goods in charge of an… … Black's law dictionary
adventure — A hazardous and striking enterprise. A bold undertaking accompanied by possible hazards, risks and unforeseen events. A common word in marine insurance policies, used as synonymous, or nearly so, with perils. A shipment of goods in charge of an… … Black's law dictionary
joint — United; combined; undivided; done by or against two or more unitedly; shared by or between two or more; coupled together in interest or liability. The term is used to express a common property interest enjoyed or a common liability incurred by… … Black's law dictionary
joint — United; combined; undivided; done by or against two or more unitedly; shared by or between two or more; coupled together in interest or liability. The term is used to express a common property interest enjoyed or a common liability incurred by… … Black's law dictionary
adventure — An undertaking with an element of risk. A shipment of goods in charge of an agent to be sold by him for the shipper at the best price obtainable. As the word adventure is used in marine policies, it is everywhere employed as synonymous with peril … Ballentine's law dictionary