
index addendum, adjunct, appurtenance, codicil, dower, grant, inheritance

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • Appanage — Ap pa*nage, n. [F. apanage, fr. OF. apaner to nourish, support, fr. LL. apanare to furnish with bread, to provision; L. ad + pains bread.] 1. The portion of land assigned by a sovereign prince for the subsistence of his younger sons. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • appanage — (n.) c.1600, from Fr. apanage (13c.), from apaner to endow with means of subsistence, from M.L. appanare equip with bread, from ad to (see AD (Cf. ad )) + panis bread (see FOOD (Cf. food)). Originally, provisions made for younger children of… …   Etymology dictionary

  • appanage — prerogative, privilege, perquisite, birthright, *right …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • appanage — [ap′ə nij΄] n. [Fr apanage < ML appanagium < appanare, equip, lit., provide with bread < L ad , to + panis, bread: see FOOD] 1. money, land, etc. granted by a monarch for the support of his younger children 2. a person s rightful extra… …   English World dictionary

  • Appanage — An apanage or appanage is the grant of an estate, titles, offices, or other things of value to the younger male children of a sovereign, who under the system of primogeniture would otherwise have no inheritance. The system was widespread in much… …   Wikipedia

  • appanage — /ap euh nij/, n. 1. land or some other source of revenue assigned for the maintenance of a member of the family of a ruling house. 2. whatever belongs rightfully or appropriately to one s rank or station in life. 3. a natural or necessary… …   Universalium

  • appanage — Tenus en appanage, Profectitia, Fiduciaria, Fiducia contracta, attributa, B …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • appanage — n. (also apanage) 1 provision for the maintenance of the younger children of kings etc. 2 a perquisite. 3 a natural accompaniment or attribute. Etymology: F ult. f. med.L appanare endow with the means of subsistence (as APO , panis bread) * * *… …   Useful english dictionary

  • appanage — also apanage noun Etymology: French apanage, from Old French, from apaner to provide for a younger offspring, from Medieval Latin appanare, from Latin ad + panis bread more at food Date: 1602 1. a. a grant (as of land or …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • appanage — noun /ˈæpənɪdʒ/ a) A grant (especially by a sovereign) of land (or other source of revenue) as a birthright b) A perquisite that is appropriate to ones position …   Wiktionary

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