joint tax return — Tax return filed for federal or state taxes by a husband and wife together and each is individually liable. Such return includes the income of both spouses, though one spouse need not have any income. It is usually more beneficial from a tax… … Black's law dictionary
joint tax return — Tax return filed for federal or state taxes by a husband and wife together and each is individually liable. Such return includes the income of both spouses, though one spouse need not have any income. It is usually more beneficial from a tax… … Black's law dictionary
joint tax return — Tax return filed by two people, usually spouses. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
tax return — The form on which an individual, corporation or other entity reports income, deductions, and exemptions and calculates their tax liability. A tax return is generally for a one year period, however, in some cases, the period may be less than a… … Black's law dictionary
Tax return (United States) — Tax returns in the United States are reports filed with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or with the state or local tax collection agency (California Franchise Tax Board, for example) containing information used to calculate income tax or other … Wikipedia
tax return — noun document giving the tax collector information about the taxpayer s tax liability (Freq. 2) his gross income was enough that he had to file a tax return • Syn: ↑income tax return, ↑return • Hypernyms: ↑legal document, ↑legal instrument, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
income tax return — noun document giving the tax collector information about the taxpayer s tax liability (Freq. 4) his gross income was enough that he had to file a tax return • Syn: ↑tax return, ↑return • Hypernyms: ↑legal document, ↑legal instrument, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
tax return — Synonyms and related words: assessment, cess, conscience money, contribution, direct tax, duty, graduated taxation, imposition, impost, indirect tax, joint return, levy, progressive tax, separate returns, single tax, supertax, surtax, tax, tax… … Moby Thesaurus
Joint Return — A U.S. income tax return filed on behalf of a married couple, resulting in a combined tax liability. Married taxpayers can choose to file two separate tax returns or a joint tax return. The joint return is often referred to as married filing… … Investment dictionary
return — I n. statement about income 1) to file a (tax) return 2) a joint; tax return going back, coming back 3) a return from; to (his return to civilian life) 4) on smb. s return (on their return from a trip abroad) 5) the point of no return profit 6)… … Combinatory dictionary