
ju·rat /'ju̇r-ət, -ˌat/ n [short for Latin juratum ( est ) it has been sworn]: a certification added to an affidavit stating when, before whom, and where the affidavit was made

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I noun accreditation, affirmation, asseveration, attestation, attesting statement, authentication, avouchment, avowal, certification, confirmation, documentation, endorsement, ratification, solemn declaration, statement which confirms information on an affidavit, substantiation, verification, verifying statement associated concepts: affidavit, affirmation, notary public, oath II index juror

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

1. the part of an affidavit in which the swearing of the oath by the deponent is recorded.
2. a permanent lay judge of the Royal Court of Jersey or the Royal Court of Guernsey deciding questions of fact and sentence in conjunction with a professional judge of law.

Collins dictionary of law. . 2001.

(jur-at) From the Latin "to swear." A jurat is the portion of an affidavit or deposition in which a person swears that the contents of the written statement are true. It usually includes the date, the name of the person swearing, the name of the authority before whom the oath was made, and sometimes the place where sworn — for example, "Sworn to this 12th day of October, 2008, by Martha J. Milner, before me, a notary public for said state and county. Barbara A. Stenerson, Notary Public." Compare: acknowledgment
Category: Representing Yourself in Court
Category: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

n. Latin A certification at the bottom of an affidavit or deposition by a notary public that states the paper was signed, and thereby sworn to, in his or her presence by the individual who signed it.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

The certificate of an officer that a written instrument was sworn to by the individual who signed it.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

The certificate of an officer that a written instrument was sworn to by the individual who signed it.
II Certificate of person and officer before whom a writing is sworn to.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

   Latin for "been sworn," the portion of an affidavit in which a person has sworn that the contents of his/her written statement are true, filled in by the notary public with the date, name of the person swearing, sometimes the place where sworn, and the name of the person before whom the oath was made. It reads generally: "Sworn to this 12th day of October, 1994, by Martha J. Milner, before me, a notary public for said state and county. Barbara A. Stenerson, Notary Public." A jurat is not to be confused with an "acknowledgment" in which the signer of a document such as a deed to real property has sworn to the notary public that he/she executed the document, and the notary signs and seals the document to that effect.

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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  • jurât — jurât …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • Jurat — (through French from mediaeval Latin jurat , he swears, Lat. jurare , to swear) is the name given to that part of an affidavit containing the actual oath or affirmation.In addition, the word can refer to the sworn holders of certain offices.… …   Wikipedia

  • jurat — ● jurat nom masculin (mot occitan, du latin juratus) Sous l Ancien Régime, magistrat municipal de certaines villes du midi de la France, et notamment de Bordeaux. ● jurat (homonymes) nom masculin (mot occitan, du latin juratus) jura forme… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • jurat — jùrāt m <G juráta> DEFINICIJA zast. pravnik, student prava ONOMASTIKA pr. (prema zanimanju, v. i Juraj): Jùrāt (sred. Dalmacija), Jùratek (Zagreb), Jùratić (Pokuplje), Jurátovac (280, Samobor, Jastrebarsko), Jurátović (320, Jastrebarsko,… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Jurat — Ju rat, n. [Prov. F. jurat, fr. L. juratus sworn, p. p. of jurare to swear. See {Jury}, n.] [1913 Webster] 1. A person under oath; specifically, an officer of the nature of an alderman, in certain municipal corporations in England. Burrill. [1913 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • jurat — Jurat. s. m. On appelle ainsi à Bordeaux, les Consuls ou Eschevins. Les Jurats de Bordeaux. le premier Jurat. la livrée, le chaperon des Jurats. faire, eslire des Jurats …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Jurat — Jurat, so v.w. Jorat …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • jurat — (n.) one who has taken an oath, early 15c. (mid 14c. in Anglo French), from M.L. iuratus, lit. sworn man, noun use of pp. of iurare to swear (see JURY (Cf. jury) (n.)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • jurat — /jurat/ Certificate of officer or person before whom writing was sworn to. In common use term is employed to designate certificate of competent administering officer that writing was sworn to by person who signed it. The clause written at the… …   Black's law dictionary

  • jurat — /jurat/ Certificate of officer or person before whom writing was sworn to. In common use term is employed to designate certificate of competent administering officer that writing was sworn to by person who signed it. The clause written at the… …   Black's law dictionary

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