- argue
ar·gue vb ar·gued, ar·gu·ingvi1: to give reasons for or against a matter in disputearguing for an extension2: to present a case in courtwill argue for the defensevt1 a: to give reasons for or againstargued the issue before the judgeb: to prove or try to prove by giving reasons or evidencewill argue invasion of privacy2: to present in courtlawyers in court filing briefs and arguing appeals — Rorie Shermanar·gu·able adj
Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam-Webster. 1996.
- argue
advance, affirm, allege, argumentari, assert, challenge, claim, confute, conligere, contend, contend in argument, contest, controvert, de re disserere, debate, disagree, dispute, elucidate, emphasize, enunciate, establish, explain, expostulate, express, maintain, make an assertion, oppose, present reasons against, present reasons for, proclaim, pronounce, propose, propound, put forth, reason upon, remonstrate, set forth, show, state with conviction, stress, submit, urge
associated concepts: a posteriori, a priori, ab inconvenienti, ad hominem, arguendo
bear (adduce), bespeak, bicker, challenge, collide (clash), conflict, contend (dispute), contend (maintain), contest, contradict, controvert, cross (disagree with), debate, differ (vary), disaccord, disagree, dispute (debate), dissent (differ in opinion), expostulate, haggle, insist, posit, propound, reason (persuade), rebut
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006