artificial — (Del lat. artificiālis). 1. adj. Hecho por mano o arte del hombre. 2. No natural, falso. 3. Producido por el ingenio humano. 4. ant. artificioso (ǁ disimulado, cauteloso). ☛ V. agnación artificial, articulación artificial, bálsamo artificial,… … Diccionario de la lengua española
Artificial — is something which is not natural. Its original sense, related to artifact and artifice , refers to a product of human endeavor; a more English but gendered synonym is man made . It is also used to mean false , a substitute for the real thing, as … Wikipedia
artificial — artificial, factitious, synthetic, ersatz mean not brought into being by nature but by human art or effort or by some process of manufacture. They are not often interchangeable because of differences in some of their implications and in their… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Artificial — Ar ti*fi cial, a. [L. artificialis, fr. artificium: cf. F. artificiel. See {Artifice}.] 1. Made or contrived by art; produced or modified by human skill and labor, in opposition to natural; as, artificial heat or light, gems, salts, minerals,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
artificial — adjetivo 1. Que está hecho por la mano del hombre y no por la naturaleza: lago artificial, luz artificial. No me gustan las flores artificiales. castillo* de fuegos artificiales o castillo de fuegos de artificio. fecundación* artificial.… … Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española
Artificial — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El Wikcionario tiene una definición para artificial. Artificial es algo que no es natural. Su sentido original, en relación con un artefacto o artificio, se refiere a un producto de la actividad humana; como sinónimo … Wikipedia Español
artificial — ARTIFICIÁL, Ă, artificiali, e, adj. 1. Care imită un produs al naturii, care nu este natural; artificios, contrafăcut. 2. Nesincer, prefăcut, factice. 3. (Adesea adverbial) Care este făcut după criterii subiective, arbitrare. Clasificare… … Dicționar Român
artificial — (adj.) late 14c., in the phrase artificial day part of the day from sunrise to sunset, from O.Fr. artificial, from L. artificialis of or belonging to art, from artificium (see ARTIFICE (Cf. artifice)). Meaning made by man (opposite of natural) is … Etymology dictionary
artificial — [ärt΄ə fish′əl] adj. [ME < OFr < L artificialis < artificium, ARTIFICE] 1. made by human work or art, not by nature; not natural 2. made in imitation of or as a substitute for something natural; simulated [artificial teeth] 3. unnatural… … English World dictionary
artificial — [adj1] fake; imitation bogus, counterfeit, ersatz, fabricated, factitious, faked, false, falsie*, hyped up*, manufactured, mock, phony*, plastic, sham, simulated, specious, spurious, substitute, synthetic, unnatural, unreal; concept 582 Ant.… … New thesaurus