ascertain by judicial inquiry
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judicial divorce — A dissolution of the marriage contract by decree of court after a judicial inquiry to ascertain the breach of the contract. Starr v Pease, 8 Conn 540, 546. A divorce granted by the court as distinguished from a legislative divorce … Ballentine's law dictionary
Judicial review in the United States — in terms of their lawfulness, or to review the constitutionality of a statute or treaty, or to review an administrative regulation for consistency with either a statute, a treaty, or the Constitution itself. At the federal level, there is no… … Wikipedia
Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Lingam Video Clip — The Royal Commission of Inquiry Into the V.K. Lingam Video Clip was formed in late 2007 to investigate into an allegation of illegal intervention into the judicial appointment process of Malaysian judges purportedly occurred in 2002.cite… … Wikipedia
Hiibel v. Sixth Judicial District Court of Nevada — SCOTUSCase Litigants=Hiibel v. Sixth Judicial District Court of Nevada ArgueDate=March 22 ArgueYear=2004 DecideDate=June 21 DecideYear=2004 FullName=Larry D. Hiibel v. Sixth Judicial District Court of Nevada, Humboldt County, et al. USVol=542… … Wikipedia
find — vb found, find·ing vt 1: to come upon accidentally or through effort found a valuable antique in the old desk found a buyer for the property 2: to make a judicial determination regarding … Law dictionary
find — To discover a lost chattel. To discover a person with whom one has been out of touch. To learn or become apprised of something. To arrive at a decision or, if a jury is involved, at a verdict. State ex rel. Higgins v Beloit, 74 Wis 267, 42 NW 110 … Ballentine's law dictionary
find — [c]/faɪnd / (say fuynd) verb (found, finding) –verb (t) 1. to come upon by chance; meet: to find a dollar in the street. 2. to learn, attain, or obtain by search or effort: to find wisdom. 3. to discover: to find gold. 4. to recover (something… …
Dublin and Monaghan bombings — Part of The Troubles Cleanup underway at the site of the second car bomb on Talbot Street, Dublin … Wikipedia
Notoriety — Notoriety, Notorious † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Notoriety, Notorious (Lat. Notorietas, notorium, from notus, known). Notoriety is the quality or the state of things that are notorious; whatever is so fully or officially proved,… … Catholic encyclopedia
find — findable, adj. /fuynd/, v., found, finding, n. v.t. 1. to come upon by chance; meet with: He found a nickel in the street. 2. to locate, attain, or obtain by search or effort: to find an apartment; to find happiness. 3. to locate or recover… … Universalium