authoritative citation to appear before a court

authoritative citation to appear before a court
index process (summons), summons, venire

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • Citation signal — Introductory signals are used in legal citations to present authorities and show how the authorities relate to propositions in textual statements. A legal writer uses an introductory signal to tell readers how her citation to legal authority… …   Wikipedia

  • summons — sum·mons 1 / sə mənz/ n pl sum·mons·es / mən zəz/: a written notification that one is required to appear in court: as a: a document in a civil suit that is issued by an authorized judicial officer (as a clerk of court) and delivered to a… …   Law dictionary

  • process — pro·cess / prä ˌses, prō / n 1: a continuous operation, art, or method esp. in manufacture whoever invents or discovers any new and useful process...may obtain a patent therefor U.S. Code 2 a: procedure (1) see also …   Law dictionary

  • venire — ve·ni·re /və nī rē/ n [probably from venireman]: a panel from which a jury is to be selected compare array Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court — For other uses, see A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur s Court (disambiguation) and A Connecticut Yankee (disambiguation). A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur s Court   …   Wikipedia

  • common law — 1. the system of law originating in England, as distinct from the civil or Roman law and the canon or ecclesiastical law. 2. the unwritten law, esp. of England, based on custom or court decision, as distinct from statute law. 3. the law… …   Universalium

  • summons — /sum euhnz/, n., pl. summonses, v. n. 1. an authoritative command, message, or signal by which one is summoned. 2. a request, demand, or call to do something: a summons to surrender. 3. Law. a. a call or citation by authority to appear before a… …   Universalium

  • Subpoena duces tecum — A subpoena duces tecum (or subpoena for production of evidence) is a court summons ordering a named party to appear before the court and produce documents or other tangible evidence for use at a hearing or trial. The summons is known by various… …   Wikipedia

  • summons — sum•mons [[t]ˈsʌm ənz[/t]] n. pl. mons•es, 1) a command, message, or signal by which one is summoned 2) law a) a call or citation by authority to appear before a court or a judicial officer b) the writ by which the call is made 3) an… …   From formal English to slang

  • Separation of church and state in the United States — The phrase separation of church and state (sometimes wall of separation between church and state ), attributed to Thomas Jefferson and others, and since quoted by the Supreme Court of the United States, expresses an understanding of the intent… …   Wikipedia

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