back out
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back out — [v] withdraw avoid, back down, back pedal*, beg off*, blow it off*, cancel, chicken out*, cop out*, get cold feet*, give up, go back on, recant, renege, resign, scratch, shy from, surrender, throw in the towel*, weasel out, welsh, wiggle out,… … New thesaurus
back out of — back out (of (something)) to refuse to do something agreed to earlier. I said I d help, and I can t back out now … New idioms dictionary
back out — (of (something)) to refuse to do something agreed to earlier. I said I d help, and I can t back out now … New idioms dictionary
back out — ► back out withdraw from a commitment. Main Entry: ↑back … English terms dictionary
back|out — «BAK OWT», noun. Informal. a backing out; withdrawal … Useful english dictionary
back out — verb 1. move out of a space backwards (Freq. 2) He backed out of the driveway • Hypernyms: ↑back • Verb Frames: Somebody s Somebody s PP 2. make a retreat from an earlier commitment or activity … Useful english dictionary
back out — phrasal verb [intransitive] Word forms back out : present tense I/you/we/they back out he/she/it backs out present participle backing out past tense backed out past participle backed out to decide not to do something you agreed to do I promised… … English dictionary
back out — {v. phr.} 1. To move backwards out of a place or enclosure. * /Bob slowly backed his car out of the garage./ 2. To withdraw from an activity one has promised to carry out. * /Jim tried to back out of the engagement with Jane, but she insisted… … Dictionary of American idioms
back out — {v. phr.} 1. To move backwards out of a place or enclosure. * /Bob slowly backed his car out of the garage./ 2. To withdraw from an activity one has promised to carry out. * /Jim tried to back out of the engagement with Jane, but she insisted… … Dictionary of American idioms
back\ out — v. phr. 1. To move backwards out of a place or enclosure. Bob slowly backed his car out of the garage. 2. To withdraw from an activity one has promised to carry out. Jim tried to back out of the engagement with Jane, but she insisted that they… … Словарь американских идиом