letters — the profession of authorship or literature, mid 13c., from plural of LETTER (Cf. letter) (n.) … Etymology dictionary
letters — Some of the most important facts about political events and everyday life in ancient Mesopotamia have come from the contents of surviving letters. Unlike modern versions, these were not written on paper. Rather, the words were carved onto… … Ancient Mesopotamia dictioary
letters — In probate practice, includes letters testamentary, letters of guardianship, letters of administration, and letters of conservatorship. Uniform Probate Code, No. 1 201(23). See letters of administration … Black's law dictionary
letters — In probate practice, includes letters testamentary, letters of guardianship, letters of administration, and letters of conservatorship. Uniform Probate Code, No. 1 201(23). See letters of administration … Black's law dictionary
LETTERS — Evidence of personal written communications between individuals in Mesopotamia is either indirect, in the form of references made to letters in literary texts or scribal copies, or direct, in the form of primary documents. In order for a… … Historical Dictionary of Mesopotamia
letters — Synonyms and related words: French literature, IPA, ITA, Initial Teaching Alphabet, International Phonetic Alphabet, Renaissance literature, account, alphabet, alphabetics, ancient literature, annals, belles lettres, bibliolatry, bibliomania,… … Moby Thesaurus
letters — n. belles lettres, high quality literature, classic literature; writing or literature as a vocation; knowledge (mainly of literature); academic achievement, profound knowledge let·ter || letÉ™(r) n. character which is part of an alphabet;… … English contemporary dictionary
letters — noun 1. the literary culture (Freq. 1) this book shows American letters at its best • Hypernyms: ↑culture 2. scholarly attainment he is a man of letters • Hypernyms: ↑eruditeness, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Letters Written in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark — Letters Written During a Short Residence in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark (1796) is a deeply personal travel narrative by the eighteenth century British feminist Mary Wollstonecraft. The twenty five letters cover a wide range of topics, from… … Wikipedia
Letters Written in Sweden — Letters Written in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark Letters Written During a Short Residence in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark (1796), selon son titre complet (Lettres écrites lors d un court séjour en Suède, en Norvège et au Danemark), est un récit de… … Wikipédia en Français