- license
li·cense 1 /'līs-əns/ n [Anglo-French, literally, permission, from Old French, from Latin licentia, from licent- licens, present participle of licēre to be permitted, be for sale]1 a: a right or permission granted by a competent authority (as of a government or a business) to engage in some business or occupation, do some act, or engage in some transaction which would be unlawful without such right or permission; also: a document, plate, or tag evidencing a license grantedb: revocable authority or permission given solely to one having no possessory rights in a tract of land to do something on that land which would otherwise be unlawful or a trespass compare easement, leasec: a grant by the holder of a copyright or patent to another of any of the rights embodied in the copyright or patent short of an assignment of all rights2: a defense (as to trespass) that one's act was in accordance with a license granted3 a: freedom that allows or is used with irresponsibilityb: disregard for standards of personal conduct: licentiousnesslicense 2 vt li·censed, li·cens·ing1: to issue a license to2: to permit or authorize by a license
Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam-Webster. 1996.
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accordance, allowance, approbation, approval, assurance, authority, authorization, canation, certification, charter, clearance, confirmation, consent, copia, empowerment, endorsement, enfranchisement, entitlement, exception, fiat, formal permission, franchise, freedom, grant, imprimatur, leave, liberty, permission, permit, potestas, power, prerogative, privilege, right, sanction, special privilege, vouchsafement, warrant, written permission
associated concepts: assignment of a license, cancellation of license, easement, issuance of license, patent license, permanent license, renewal of a license, revocation of license, suspension of license
allow (authorize), appoint, approval, authorize, bestow, brevet, capacity (authority), certificate, certification (certification of proficiency), certify (approve), charter (sanction), concession (authorization), confirm, consent (noun), consent (verb), constitute (establish), copyright, countenance, delegate, delegation (assignment), discretion (power of choice), dispensation (exception), droit, empower, enable, enfranchise, entrust, exemption, freedom, grant (concede), immunity, impunity, induct, indulgence, informality, invest (vest), latitude, leave (permission), let (permit), liberty, option (contractual provision), palliate (excuse), patent, permission, permit (noun), permit (verb), prerogative, prescription (claim of title), privilege, qualify (meet standards), sanction (permission), sanction, seal (solemnize), sign, suffer (permit), sufferance, suffrage, tolerance, warrant (authorization)
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
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n.(1) A permit that allows someone to do some act; permission to do something that would be illegal without that permission.(2) Permission to use property owned by someone else, which does not give the licensee an exclusive right of possession;see also lease
The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008.
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1) Permission to do something otherwise prohibited under law — for example, a license to practice law or drive a car.2) A contract giving written permission, for a limited time, to someone to exploit an invention, creative work, or trademark. A license provides a way for an innovator to make money from an invention or creative work without having to manufacture and sell copies, and without having to permanently relinquish ownership. Some licenses are exclusive (limiting the grant to one company) while others are nonexclusive (permitting several companies in an industry to market the product).3) A private grant of right to use real property for a particular purpose, such as putting on a concert.Category: Patent, Copyright & Trademark → Copyright LawCategory: Patent, Copyright & Trademark → Patent LawCategory: Patent, Copyright & Trademark → Trade SecretsCategory: Patent, Copyright & Trademark → Trademark Law
Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. Gerald N. Hill, Kathleen Thompson Hill. 2009.
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USAGenerally, a lawful grant of permission to do or use something that would otherwise not be legal or allowed.In the context of intellectual property (IP) law, a license is a grant from the owner of an IP right (the licensor) to another entity (the licensee) permitting the licensee to make certain uses of the IP, for example, to distribute products under the licensor's trademark or manufacture products using the licensor's patent protected process.
Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. www.practicallaw.com. 2010.
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n.1 The grant by the owner of intangible or intellectual property, such as a trademark or software program, of the rights to make certain uses of the property.2 A permission granted by government to perform an act or service regulated by law (for example, a license to fish or to practice law).3 A right to enter onto land or property and use it, without any ownership rights being conferred.@ bare licenseA license under which no property is exchanged, and the licensee receives the right to not be treated as a trespasser. Same as social guest, or a hotel guest=>> license.@ exclusive licenseA right to carry on an activity to the exclusion of all others.@
Webster's New World Law Dictionary. Susan Ellis Wild. 2000.
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The permission granted by competent authority to exercise a certain privilege that, without such authorization, would constitute an illegal act, a trespass or a tort (See tort law). The certificate or the document itself that confers permission to engage in otherwise proscribed conduct.
Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.
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Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.
- license
1) n. governmental permission to perform a particular act (like getting married), conduct a particular business or occupation, operate machinery or vehicles after proving ability to do so safely or use property for a certain purpose.2) n. the certificate that proves one has been granted authority to do something under governmental license.3) n. a private grant of right to use real property for a particular purpose, such as putting on a concert.4) n. a private grant of the right to use some intellectual property such as a patent or musical composition.5) v. to grant permission by governmental authority or private agreement.
Law dictionary. EdwART. 2013.