be in arrears

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  • Arrears — is a legal term for a type of debt which is overdue after missing an expected payment. It is also used (in the form in arrears) for payments that occur at the end of a period.Arrears accrue from the date on the first missed payment was due. The… …   Wikipedia

  • arrears — I noun arrearage, back payments, balance due, debit, debt, debt unpaid though due, default, deferred payment, deficit, delinquency, indebtedness, indebtment, liability, obligation, outstanding debt, overdue bill, overdue payment, payments past… …   Law dictionary

  • arrears — [ə rirz′] pl.n. 〚ME arrers < arrere, backward < OFr ariere < VL aretro < L ad, to + retro, behind〛 1. unpaid and overdue debts 2. unfinished business, work, etc. in arrears or in arrear behind in paying a debt, doing one s work, etc. * * *… …   Universalium

  • arrears — ► PLURAL NOUN ▪ money owed that should already have been paid. ● in arrears Cf. ↑in arrears ORIGIN Old French arere, from Latin retro backwards …   English terms dictionary

  • arrears — mid 14c., in times past, from O.Fr. ariere behind, backward, from V.L. *ad retro, from L. ad to (see AD (Cf. ad )) + retro behind (see RETRO (Cf. retro )). Meaning balance due dates from early 15c.; phrase in arrears first …   Etymology dictionary

  • arrears — [ə rirz′] pl.n. [ME arrers < arrere, backward < OFr ariere < VL aretro < L ad, to + retro, behind] 1. unpaid and overdue debts 2. unfinished business, work, etc. in arrears or in arrear behind in paying a debt, doing one s work, etc …   English World dictionary

  • arrears — The amount of money by which a contract or obligation is in default. (Dictionary of Canadian Bankruptcy Terms) United Glossary of Bankruptcy Terms 2012 …   Glossary of Bankruptcy

  • arrears — [n] debt back payment, balance due, claim, debit, deficiency, deficit, liability, obligation, unpaid bill; concepts 332,335 …   New thesaurus

  • arrears — or arrearages Money which is overdue and unpaid; e.g. overdue mortgage or rent payments. Term used to describe cumulative preferred stock dividends that have not been declared on time …   Black's law dictionary

  • arrears — or arrearages Money which is overdue and unpaid; e.g. overdue mortgage or rent payments. Term used to describe cumulative preferred stock dividends that have not been declared on time …   Black's law dictionary

  • arrears — Unpaid dividends or bond interest that a corporation owes its stockholders or bond holders after the payable or due date on which the dividends or interest should have been paid. American Banker Glossary * * * arrears ar‧rears [əˈrɪəz ǁ əˈrɪrz]… …   Financial and business terms

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