
ma·jor·i·ty /mə-'jȯr-ə-tē/ n pl -ties
b: the status of one who has reached legal age
2 a: a number or quantity greater than half of a total compare plurality
b: the excess of a majority over the remainder of the total
3 a: the group or political party whose votes predominate
b: the judges voting in a particular case who together determine the prevailing decision see also majority opinion at opinion compare dissent 3
majority adj

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I (adulthood) noun age of discretion, age of majority, age of responsibility, full age, full legal age, legal age, legal competence, legal maturity, manhood, matureness, maturity, voting age, womanhood foreign phrases:
- Minor ante tempus agere non potest in casu proprietatis nee etiam convenire. — A minor under age cannot act in a case of property
II (greater part) noun better part, biggest share, body, bulk, generality, greater number, larger number, larger part, lion's share, main body, main part, maior numerus, maior pars, major part, mass, more than half, most, plurality, predominance, predominant part, preponderance, preponderation, principal part, weight of numbers associated concepts: majority rule, majority vote, plurality, quorum, requisite majority III index bulk, generality (bulk), maturity, plurality, preponderance

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

(1) A number greater than half of a total; the larger group or number.
(2) The age at which a person becomes an adult.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

the age when a person attains full legal capacity, even if there may still be many things that cannot be done legally or, indeed, many things now in the UK which can be done younger, especially at 16 years. In the UK at the moment it is 18 years.

Collins dictionary of law. . 2001.

1) More than half of something, such as the votes cast in an election.
2) The age at which a person can exercise the legal rights of an adult, such as entering into contracts or voting. (See also: age of majority)
Category: Divorce & Family Law
Category: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits
Category: Wills, Trusts & Estates

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

1 The status of having attained the age of adulthood as set by law.
2 More than fifty percent of a total (usually referring to people in a group voting in an election or on a matter placed before them).

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

Full age; legal age; age at which a person is no longer a minor. The age at which, by law, a person is capable of being legally responsible for all of his or her acts (e.g. contractual obligations), and is entitled to the management of his or her own affairs and to the enjoyment of civic rights (e.g. right to vote). The opposite of minority. Also the status of a person who is a major in age.
The greater number. The number greater than half of any total.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

Full age; legal age; age at which a person is no longer a minor. The age at which, by law, a person is capable of being legally responsible for all of his or her acts (e.g. contractual obligations), and is entitled to the management of his or her own affairs and to the enjoyment of civic rights (e.g. right to vote). The opposite of minority. Also the status of a person who is a major in age.
The greater number. The number greater than half of any total.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

   1) the age when a person can exercise all normal legal rights, including contracting and voting. It is 18 for most purposes, but there are rights such as drinking alcoholic beverages which is set at 21.
   2) 50 percent, plus one of votes cast.
   See also: child, infancy, minority

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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  • Majority — Ma*jor i*ty, n.; pl. {Majorities}. [F. majorit[ e]. See {Major}.] 1. The quality or condition of being major or greater; superiority. Specifically: (a) The military rank of a major. (b) The condition of being of full age, or authorized by law to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • majority — ► NOUN (pl. majorities) 1) the greater number. 2) Brit. the number by which the votes cast for one party or candidate exceed those for the next. 3) the age when a person is legally considered a full adult, usually 18 or 21. USAGE Strictly… …   English terms dictionary

  • majority — (n.) 1550s, condition of being greater, superiority, from M.Fr. majorité (16c.), from M.L. majoritatem (nom. majoritas) majority, from L. maior greater (see MAJOR (Cf. major) (adj.)). Sense of state of being of full age is attested from 1560s;… …   Etymology dictionary

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