bear witness against
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bear witness against — be a witness against someone to show that they are guilty, testify against … English contemporary dictionary
bear witness against — Synonyms and related words: betray, blab, blow the whistle, fink, inform against, inform on, narc, peach, rat, sell out, snitch, snitch on, squeal, stool, tattle, tell on, testify against, turn informer … Moby Thesaurus
bear witness — verb a) To deliver a testimony, especially as witness He hesitated to bear witness against them in court for fear of reprisals by the fellons accomplices b) To prove, demonstrate The dubious state of the whole society bears witness of years of… … Wiktionary
witness — wit·ness 1 n [Old English witnes knowledge, testimony, witness, from wit mind, sense, knowledge] 1 a: attestation of a fact or event in witness whereof the parties have executed this release b: evidence (as of the authenticity of a conveyance by… … Law dictionary
WITNESS — (Heb. עֵד, one that has personal knowledge of an event or a fact. The evidence of at least two witnesses was required for convicting the accused (Num. 35:30; Deut. 17:6; 19:15; cf. I Kings 21:10, 13). Commercial transactions of importance took… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
bear — Ⅰ. bear [1] ► VERB (past bore; past part. borne) 1) carry. 2) have as a quality or visible mark. 3) support (a weight). 4) (bear oneself) behave in a specified manner: she bore herself w … English terms dictionary
bear — bear1 [ber] vt. BORE, borne (see 3), bearing, bore, born [ME beren < OE beran < IE base * bher , to carry, bring > L ferre, Gr pherein, Sans bharati, (he) bears] 1. a) to hold and take along; carry; transport b) to hold in the m … English World dictionary
witness — I n. testimony 1) to bear witness to 2) false witness (to hear false witness) one who testifies 3) to produce a witness (the district attorney finally produced a credible witness) 4) to cross examine; examine, interrogate, question; interview a… … Combinatory dictionary
bear — bear1 /bair/, v., bore or (Archaic) bare; borne or born; bearing. v.t. 1. to hold up; support: to bear the weight of the roof. 2. to hold or remain firm under (a load): The roof will not bear the strain of his weight. 3. to bring forth ( … Universalium
bear — bear1 verb (past bore; past participle borne) 1》 carry or convey. ↘have as an attribute or visible mark. 2》 support (a weight). 3》 [with negative] manage to tolerate: I can t bear it. 4》 give birth to (a child). ↘(of a tree or plant)… … English new terms dictionary