become aware of
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become aware — index note (notice), occur (come to mind), realize (understand) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
become aware — v. become conscious, learn that … English contemporary dictionary
become aware of — The equivalent of actual knowledge. Anno: 23 ALR2d 1076 … Ballentine's law dictionary
aware — aware, cognizant, conscious, sensible, alive, awake mean having knowledge of something, especially of something that for some reason is not obvious or apparent to all. One is aware of something through information or through one’s own vigilance… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
aware — a|ware [ ə wer ] adjective *** 1. ) never before noun knowing about a situation or a fact: As far as I m aware, he didn t say anything of the kind. aware of: They re aware of the dangers. aware that: I was not aware that she had already spoken to … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
aware */*/*/ — UK [əˈweə(r)] / US [əˈwer] adjective 1) [never before noun] knowing about a situation or a fact As far as I m aware, he didn t say anything of the kind. aware of: They re aware of the dangers. aware that: I was not aware that she had already… … English dictionary
aware*/*/*/ — [əˈweə] adj 1) knowing about a situation or fact Ant: unaware As far as I m aware, he didn t tell her anything.[/ex] I was not aware that she had already spoken to you.[/ex] They re aware of the dangers.[/ex] I was well aware of this fact.[/ex]… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
aware of — Informed or having knowledge of something. See become aware of … Ballentine's law dictionary
aware — 1. Aware is generally predicative in use, i.e. it stands after a noun or as a complement after a verb such as be, become, grow, seem, etc. It can be followed by of or a that clause: • I had to be aware of…the balance between committed pro… … Modern English usage
aware — adj. 1 conscious VERBS ▪ be, seem ▪ become ▪ make sb ▪ We need to make people more aware of these problems. ▪ remain … Collocations dictionary