malum in se

malum in se
mal·um in se /'ma-ləm-in-'sē, 'mä-lu̇m-in-'sā/ n pl mala in se /'ma-lə-, 'mä-/ [New Latin, offense in itself]: an offense that is evil or wrong from its own nature irrespective of statute
— often used with a preceding noun (as crime or act )
held that burglary was a crime malum in seState v. Stiffler, 788 P.2d 2205 (1990) compare malum prohibitum

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

malum in se
(Latin) Bad in itself; describes an act that is inherently wrong in itself without regard to what the law says.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

malum in se
(mal-uhm in say) Latin for something "wrong in itself," even in the absence of a law making it illegal.In criminal law, it describes acts that have traditionally been considered crimes, whether or not a specific written law made them crimes, because they violate the principles of civilized society. Examples are murder, rape, and theft. By contrast, making a left turn at an intersection where a traffic law prohibits it would not be malum in se, because it is based only on statutory law. Compare: malum prohibitum
Category: Criminal Law
Category: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

malum in se
n. Latin An act, such as murder, that is inherently evil or immoral.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

malum in se
[mal-uhm in say]
   Latin referring to an act that is "wrong in itself," in its very nature being illegal because it violates the natural, moral or public principles of a civilized society. In criminal law it is one of the collection of crimes which are traditional and not just created by statute, which are "malum prohibitum." Example: murder, rape, burglary and robbery are malum in se, while violations of the Securities and Exchange Act or most "white collar crimes" are malum prohibitum.
   See also: malum prohibitum

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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