
index bifurcate, cross (intersect), dichotomize, divide (separate), split, subdivide

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  • bisect — BISÉCT, bisecţi, adj. (În sintagma) An bisect = an de 366 de zile; an bisextil. – Din fr. bissexte, lat. bissextus. Trimis de paula, 07.04.2009. Sursa: DEX 98  biséct adj. m., pl. bisécţi Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dic …   Dicționar Român

  • Bisect — Bi*sect , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Bisected}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Bisecting}.] [L. bis twice + secare, sectum, to cut.] 1. To cut or divide into two parts. [1913 Webster] 2. (Geom.) To divide into two equal parts. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bisect — (v.) to cut in two, 1640s, from Mod.L. bisectus, from L. bi two (see BI (Cf. bi )) + secare to cut (see SECTION (Cf. section)). Related: Bisected; bisecting …   Etymology dictionary

  • bisect — [v] divide in two bifurcate, branch off, cleave, cross, cut across, cut in half, cut in two, dichotomize, dimidiate, divaricate, divide in two, fork, furcate, halve, hemisect, intersect, separate, split, split down the middle; concepts 98,137,176 …   New thesaurus

  • bisect — ► VERB ▪ divide into two parts. DERIVATIVES bisection noun bisector noun. ORIGIN from Latin secare to cut …   English terms dictionary

  • bisect — [bī sekt′, bī′sekt΄] vt. [< ModL bisectus, pp. of bisecare < L bi , BI 1 + secare, to cut: see SAW1] 1. to cut in two 2. Geom. to divide into two equal parts vi. to divide; fork bisection n. bisectional …   English World dictionary

  • Bisect — Bisection is the general activity of dividing something into two parts.Bisect may mean:*bisection, in geometry, dividing something into two equal parts * bisection of earthworms to study regeneration *bisect (philately), the use of postage stamp… …   Wikipedia

  • bisect — bisection, n. bisectional, adj. bisectionally, adv. v. /buy sekt , buy sekt/; n. /buy sekt/, v.t. 1. to cut or divide into two equal or nearly equal parts. 2. Geom. to cut or divide into two equal parts: to bisect an angle. 3. to intersect or… …   Universalium

  • bisect — UK [ˌbaɪˈsekt] / US [ˈbaɪˌsekt] / US [baɪˈsekt] verb [transitive] Word forms bisect : present tense I/you/we/they bisect he/she/it bisects present participle bisecting past tense bisected past participle bisected maths to divide something into… …   English dictionary

  • bisect — This word can mean only to cut or divide into two parts : This is where the road bisects the railroad tracks. Bisect and dissect should not be confused. One bisects a laboratory animal when he divides it into two equal or nearly equal parts; he… …   Dictionary of problem words and expressions

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