meet and confer

meet and confer
A requirement of some courts that before certain types of motions or petitions are heard by the judge, the lawyers (and sometimes their clients) must meet (usually, in person or on the phone) to try to resolve the matter. This can resolve many problems and limit the amount of court time needed to resolve disagreements.
Category: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

meet and confer
Under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP), the meetings lawyers must have to discuss various matters, including:
• A lawsuit's points of conflict.
• Discovery issues.
• Proposed motions.
• Possible settlement.
Both parties' attorneys must meet to discuss discovery issues and develop a data preservation plan no later than 21 days before a Rule 16(b) scheduling order is due or scheduling conference is to be held, unless the court orders otherwise or the matter involves a proceeding exempted from initial disclosure (FRCP 26(f)).
The meet and confer is meant to save time and money for both sides to a dispute, as well as to determine a method by which counsel will coordinate and develop how they will conduct discovery. Within 14 days after the meet and confer, the attorneys of record as well as all unrepresented parties appearing in the case must submit to the court a written report describing their proposed discovery plan.
In addition, parties must meet and confer before making certain motions (including discovery motions under FRCP 37(a)(1)) in an attempt to resolve their disputes without the need for judicial intervention.

Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. . 2010.

meet and confer
   a requirement of courts that before certain types of motions and/or petitions will be heard by the judge, the lawyers (and sometimes their clients) must "meet and confer" to try to resolve the matter or at least determine the points of conflict. This has the beneficial effect of resolving many matters, reducing the time for arguments and making the lawyers and clients face up to the realities of their positions. On the other hand, it also can be a total waste of time for the parties and their attorneys. The meet and confer rule is particularly common (and useful) in domestic relations disputes over temporary support, custody, visitation and such issues which are freighted with emotion.

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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