blood relatives

blood relatives
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  • blood relatives — See relatives by blood …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Blood Relatives — Filmdaten Deutscher Titel: Blutsverwandte Originaltitel: Les Liens de sang Produktionsland: Kanada, Frankreich Erscheinungsjahr: 1978 Länge: 101 (gekürzt 95) Minuten Originalsprache …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Vampire Kisses : Blood Relatives — Vampire Kisses : Blood Relatives est un manga americain de REM (dessins) et Ellen Schreiber (scénario), qui est en fait l adaptation de la série de romans Vampire kisses d Ellen Schreiber. Publié pour la première fois en novembre 2007 par… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • blood — I noun affinity, agnation, ancestry, breed, brethren, brood, children, clan, cognation, common ancestry, consanguinity, derivation, descent, ethnic group, extraction, family connection, family relationship, family tie, family tree, filiation,… …   Law dictionary

  • Blood guilt — or kin liability is the attribution of responsibility for the alleged transgressions of one s relatives, kin, somewhat related to guilt by association, which is determined by physical or communicative proximity rather than genetic or familial… …   Wikipedia

  • Blood is thicker than water — is a German proverb (originally: Blut ist dicker als Wasser. ), which is also common in English speaking countries. It generally means that the bonds of family and common ancestry are stronger than those bonds between unrelated people (such as… …   Wikipedia

  • blood money — blood′ mon ey n. 1) a fee paid to a hired murderer 2) compensation paid to the next of kin of a slain person by the slayer or the slayer s relatives 3) money obtained at a cost of suffering to others …   From formal English to slang

  • nearest blood relatives — Usually, although not necessarily, the same as next of kin. 57 Am J1st Wills § 1398. Ordinarily words of purchase. Anno: 100 ALR2d 1073, § 2[a] …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • BLOOD-AVENGER — A person who is authorized by law, or who is duty bound, to kill a murderer is called go el ha dam – usually translated as an avenger of blood, but more accurately to be rendered as a redeemer of blood (cf. Lev. 25:25; Ruth 3:12; I Kings 16:11).… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • blood bank — 1. a place where blood or blood plasma is collected, processed, stored, and distributed. 2. such a supply of blood or blood plasma. [1935 40] * * * Organization that collects, stores, processes, and supplies blood. Most blood donations are… …   Universalium

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