
index boundary, end (termination), extremity (furthest point), insecure, marginal, mete, purview

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  • Borderline — may refer to: * Borderline (song), a song by Madonna from her self titled debut album * Borderline (Michael Gray song) * Borderline (Chris de Burgh song) * Borderline (Brooks Dunn album), a 1996 album by Brooks Dunn. * Borderline (Ry Cooder… …   Wikipedia

  • Borderline — может употребляться в следующих статьях: Brooks Dunn. Рая Кудера. «Borderline» (песня Мадонны)  песня американской певицы Мадонны из альбома Madonna. «Borderline» (песня Майкла Грея)  песня американского музыканта Майкла Грея. См. также …   Википедия

  • borderline — ● borderline nom masculin invariable (anglais borderline, limite) En psychiatrie, synonyme de état limite. ● borderline (synonymes) nom masculin invariable (anglais borderline, limite) Synonymes : état limite …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • borderline — término inglés para designar procesos, estructuras o niveles que están situados al límite de la normalidad. Por ejemplo, la presión arterial 150/90 mm es calificada por muchos como hipertensión borderline Diccionario ilustrado de Términos Médicos …   Diccionario médico

  • borderline — ► NOUN ▪ a line marking a boundary. ► ADJECTIVE ▪ only just acceptable in quality or as belonging to a category: references may be requested in borderline cases …   English terms dictionary

  • Borderline... — Borderline... [bå̱rderlain; engl. = Grenzlinie]: Bestimmungswort von Zus. zur Bez. von Grenzfällen von Krankheiten, geringwertigen Symptomen oder Meßwerten …   Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke

  • borderline — 1869, strip of land along a frontier, from BORDER (Cf. border) (n.) + LINE (Cf. line) (n.). As an adjective meaning verging on it is attested from 1907, originally in medical jargon …   Etymology dictionary

  • borderline — (izg. bórderlajn) ž DEFINICIJA 1. rubna, granična linija; granična područja 2. med. stanje koje je na granici bolesti (duševni poremećaj koji se nalazi na granici između psihoze i neuroze, granične vrijednosti šećera u krvi i sl.) ETIMOLOGIJA… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • borderline — [adj] inexact ambiguous, ambivalent, doubtful, dubitable, equivocal, indecisive, indefinite, indeterminate, marginal, open, problematic, uncertain, unclassifiable, unclear, undecided, unsettled; concept 534 Ant. certain, definite, exact, sure …   New thesaurus

  • borderline — [bôr′dərlīn΄] n. a boundary; dividing line adj. on a boundary; specif., on the boundary of what is acceptable, valid, or normal; hence, having a questionable or indefinite status …   English World dictionary

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