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Bravery — Brav er*y, n. [Cf. F. braverie.] 1. The quality of being brave; fearless; intrepidity. [1913 Webster] Remember, sir, my liege, . . . The natural bravery of your isle. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. The act of braving; defiance; bravado. [Obs.] [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
bravery — bravery, bravado, bravura Bravery is a general word for ‘being brave’ or ‘brave action’ (as a virtue), whereas bravado means ‘ostentatious courage or boldness’, often concealing fear or reluctance: • It was a gesture of bravado rather than a… … Modern English usage
bravery — (n.) 1540s, daring, defiance, boasting, from Fr. braverie, from braver to brave (see BRAVE (Cf. brave)) or else from cognate It. braveria, from bravare. No Man is an Atheist, however he pretend it and serve the Company with his Braveries. [Donne … Etymology dictionary
bravery — [n] boldness courage, daring, dauntlessness, fearlessness, fortitude, gallantry, grit, guts, hardiness, heroism, indomitability, intrepidity, mettle, pluck, pluckiness, spirit, spunk, valor; concepts 411,633 Ant. cowardice, diffidence, humility,… … New thesaurus
bravery — [brāv′ər ē] n. [Fr braverie, gallantry, splendor < BRAVE] 1. the quality of being brave; courage; valor 2. fine appearance, show, or dress; showiness … English World dictionary
Bravery — The Bravery Gründung 2003 Genre Indie Rock Website Aktuelle Besetzung Gesang, Gitarre Sam Endicott Gitarre Mich … Deutsch Wikipedia
bravery — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ exceptional, extraordinary, great, outstanding VERB + BRAVERY ▪ demonstrate, display, show ▪ … Collocations dictionary
Bravery — This unusual name which would seem to be wholly British is in fact in origin Spanish Portuguese! It derives from the late Medieval period when Portugal became Britains oldest ally, the literal meaning being one who is fierce clearly a descriptive … Surnames reference
bravery — n. to demonstrate, display, exhibit, show; inspire bravery * * * [ breɪv(ə)rɪ] display exhibit inspire bravery show to demonstrate … Combinatory dictionary
bravery — brav|er|y [ breıvəri ] noun uncount brave behavior: COURAGE: an award for bravery bravery in the face of danger … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English