
I noun altercation, brangle, breach of the peace, broil, commotion, deafening row, din, dispute, disturbance, embranglement, embroilment, feud, fight, fisticuffs, fracas, fray, hubbub, imbroglio, jangle, jurgium, mèlée, noisiness, outbreak, pandemonium, quarrel, racket, rampage, riot, rixa, row, rowdiness, ruction, scramble, scrimmage, scuffle, squabble, tumult, turmoil, uproar, wrangle associated concepts: disorderly conduct II verb altercate, be noisy, bicker, brangle, break the peace, broil, clamor, create a disturbance, create a riot, dispute angrily, fight, have a row, have words with, jangle, make a commotion, make a racket, make an uproar, quarrel noisily, rampage, riot, rixari, row, run riot, scrap, scrimmage, scuffle, set to, spat, squabble, tiff, wrangle associated concepts: disorderly conduct III index affray, bicker, bluster (commotion), commotion, confrontation (altercation), contend (dispute), contest (dispute), controversy (argument), disaccord, embroilment, fight (battle), fracas, fray, outbreak, outcry, riot

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  • brawl — n Brawl, broil, fracas, melee, row, rumpus, scrap are comparable when meaning a noisy fight or quarrel. Brawl implies angry contentions, blows, and a noisy racket; it usually suggests participation by several persons {a family brawl that kept the …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

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  • Brawl — Brawl, n. A noisy quarrel; loud, angry contention; a wrangle; a tumult; as, a drunken brawl. [1913 Webster] His sports were hindered by the brawls. Shak. [1913 Webster] Syn: Noise; quarrel; uproar; row; tumult. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • brawl — [n] nasty fight affray, altercation, argument, battle, battle royal*, bickering, broil, clash, disorder, dispute, donnybrook, duke out*, feud, fight, fracas, fray, free for all*, fuss, hassle, melee, quarrel, rhubarb*, riot, row, ruckus*, rumble* …   New thesaurus

  • brawl — ► NOUN ▪ a rough or noisy fight or quarrel. ► VERB ▪ take part in a brawl. DERIVATIVES brawler noun. ORIGIN perhaps imitative and related to BRAY(Cf. ↑bray) …   English terms dictionary

  • brawl — [brôl] vi. [ME braulen, to cry out, quarrel; prob. akin to Du brallen, to boast] 1. to quarrel or fight noisily 2. to flow noisily over rapids, falls, etc.: said of water n. 1. a rough, noisy quarrel or fight; row 2. Slang a noisy, drunken party… …   English World dictionary

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  • Brawl — Brawling or Brawl can refer to: * Brawl, a large scale fist fight usually involving multiple participants, often taking place in bars *Brawling (legal definition), a rowdy argument on Church property *Bench clearing brawl, a large scale fight… …   Wikipedia

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