
I verb adumbrate, alter the appearance of, assume a mask, be concealed, becloud, becurtain, bedim, befog, bemask, blanket, blind, bury, change the face of, cloak, close the curtain, cloud, color, conceal, couch, cover, cover up, curtain, deceive, deform, disguise, dissemble, distort, draw the veil, dress up, embellish, embroider, ensconce, enshroud, envelop, fake, gild, give a color to, give a false appearance, give a false coloring, hide, hide away, hide one's identity, keep from sight, keep from view, keep in the dark, keep in the shade, keep out of view, keep secret, make unrecognizable, mask, masquerade, miscolor, obfuscate, obscure, occultate, pervert, put in concealment, reshape, screen, screen from observation, screen from sight, seclude, secrete, shade, shroud, suppress, throw a veil over, twist, twist the meaning of, veil associated concepts: fraudulent misrepresentation II index blind (obscure), cloak, conceal, concealment, cover (pretext), cover (conceal), deceit, deception, decoy, disguise (noun), disguise (verb), distort, distortion, ensconce, enshroud, evasion, falsify, hide, misrepresent, plant (covertly place), pretense (pretext), pretext, ruse, screen (guard), subterfuge, veil

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  • Camouflage — Жанр синти поп Годы 1983 текущий Страна …   Википедия

  • camouflage — [ kamuflaʒ ] n. m. • 1917; « déguisement » 1887; de camoufler 1 ♦ Le fait de camoufler du matériel de guerre, des troupes; ce qui est utilisé à cet effet. Un camouflage de branchages. Soldat en tenue de camouflage. 2 ♦ Fig. Le fait de cacher en… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Camouflage — (frz. „Irreführung, Täuschung, Tarnung“) bezeichnet: Tarnung, militärische Bekleidung und Anstriche zum Zwecke der Tarnung Camouflage (Sozialpsychologie), eine sozialpsychologische Technik der Abwehr Camouflage (Schminke), eine Schminke… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Camouflage — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Camouflage es un grupo de synthpop alemán, compuesta por Oliver Kreyssig, Heiko Maile y Marcus Meyn, formada en 1984. Contenido 1 Historia 2 Discografía 2.1 Álbums …   Wikipedia Español

  • camouflage — [n] disguise beard*, blind, cloak, concealment, cover, coverup, deceit, deceptive marking, dissimulation, faking, false appearance, front, guise, mask, masking, masquerade, mimicry, paint, plain brown wrapper*, protective coloring, red herring*,… …   New thesaurus

  • camouflage — ► NOUN 1) the disguising of military personnel and equipment by painting or covering them to make them blend in with their surroundings. 2) clothing or materials used for such a purpose. 3) the natural colouring or form of an animal which enables …   English terms dictionary

  • camouflage — 1917, from Fr. camoufler, Parisian slang, to disguise, from It. camuffare to disguise, perhaps a contraction of capo muffare to muffle the head. Probably altered by Fr. camouflet puff of smoke, on the notion of blow smoke in someone s face. The… …   Etymology dictionary

  • camouflage — *disguise, cloak, mask, dissemble …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • camouflage — [kam′ə fläzh΄, kam′əfläj΄] n. [Fr < camoufler, to disguise; prob. altered (infl. by camouflet, puff of smoke) < It camuffare, to disguise] 1. the disguising of troops, ships, guns, etc. to conceal them from the enemy, as by the use of paint …   English World dictionary

  • Camouflage — This article is about protective coloration. For other uses, see Camouflage (disambiguation). Further information: Theory of camouflage A flounder blending in with the gravel on the sea floor. Camouflage is a method of crypsis (hiding). It allows …   Wikipedia

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