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deviate — [dē′vē āt΄; ] for adj. & n. [, dē vēit] vi. deviated, deviating [< LL deviatus, pp. of deviare, to turn aside < de , from + via, road: see VIA] to turn aside (from a course, direction, standard, doctrine, etc.); diverge; digress vt. to… … English World dictionary
Deviate — De vi*ate, v. t. To cause to deviate. [R.] [1913 Webster] To deviate a needle. J. D. Forbes. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
deviate — I. v. n. 1. Digress, diverge, deflect, veer, tack, wheel, turn aside, alter one s course, wheel about. 2. Err, stray, swerve, wander, go astray, go out of one s way, lose one s way. 3. Differ, vary, diverge. II. v. a. Turn aside, cause to deviate … New dictionary of synonyms
Cause Mapping — is a problem solving method that draws out, visually, the multiple chains of interconnecting causes that lead to an incident. The method, which breaks problems down specific cause and effect relationships, can be applied to a variety of problems… … Wikipedia
deviate — deviable, adj. deviability /dee vee euh bil i tee/, n. deviator, n. v. /dee vee ayt /; adj., n. /dee vee it/, v., deviated, deviating, adj., n. v.i. 1. to turn aside, as from a route, way, course, etc. 2. to depart or swerve, as from a procedure … Universalium
deviate — de•vi•ate v. [[t]ˈdi viˌeɪt[/t]] adj., n. [[t] ɪt[/t]] v. at•ed, at•ing, adj. n. 1) to turn aside, as from a route or course 2) to depart, as from an accepted procedure, standard, or course of action 3) to digress, as from a line of thought 4) to … From formal English to slang
deviate — I. verb ( ated; ating) Etymology: Late Latin deviatus, past participle of deviare, from Latin de + via way more at way Date: circa 1633 intransitive verb 1. to stray especially from a standard, principle, or topic 2. to depart from an established … New Collegiate Dictionary
deviate — verb (deviated, deviating) –verb (i) /ˈdivieɪt / (say deeveeayt) 1. to turn aside (from a way or course). 2. to depart or swerve, as from a procedure, course of action, or acceptable standard. 3. to digress, as from a line of thought or reasoning …
divert — di·vert /də vərt, dī / vt 1: to turn from one course or use to another funds illegally divert ed 2: to place (a defendant) under a diversion di·vert·er n Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law … Law dictionary
deflect — verb deviate or cause to deviate from a straight course. Derivatives deflective adjective deflector noun Origin C16: from L. deflectere, from de + flectere to bend … English new terms dictionary