cause to sink

cause to sink
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Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • Sink — (s[i^][ng]k), v. t. 1. To cause to sink; to put under water; to immerse or submerge in a fluid; as, to sink a ship. [1913 Webster] [The Athenians] fell upon the wings and sank a single ship. Jowett (Thucyd.). [1913 Webster] 2. Figuratively: To… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sink — [c]/sɪŋk / (say singk) verb (sank or sunk, sunk or sunken, sinking) –verb (i) 1. to descend gradually to a lower level, as water, flames, etc. 2. to go down towards or below the horizon. 3. to slope d …  

  • sink — I. verb (sank or sunk; sunk; sinking) Etymology: Middle English, from Old English sincan; akin to Old High German sinkan to sink Date: before 12th century intransitive verb 1. a. to go to the bottom ; submerge …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • sink — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. founder, drown, go down; ebb, wane, decline, lapse, settle, subside, precipitate; retrograde, go downhill; languish, droop, flag; despond; fail, deepen, dig, lower; debase, abase, bring low; suppress …   English dictionary for students

  • sink — [OE] Sink is a general Germanic verb, with relatives in German sinken, Dutch zinken, Swedish sjunka, and Danish synke. But where their common Germanic ancestor came from is not known. These days, sink means both ‘go below water’ and ‘cause to go… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • sink — [OE] Sink is a general Germanic verb, with relatives in German sinken, Dutch zinken, Swedish sjunka, and Danish synke. But where their common Germanic ancestor came from is not known. These days, sink means both ‘go below water’ and ‘cause to go… …   Word origins

  • sink — [siŋk] vi. sank or sunk, sunk, sinking [ME sinken < OE sincan, akin to Ger sinken < IE base * sengw , to fall, sink > Gr heaphthē, (he) sank] 1. to go beneath the surface of water, deep snow, soft ground, etc. so as to be partly or… …   English World dictionary

  • sink — ► VERB (past sank; past part. sunk) 1) become submerged in liquid. 2) (with reference to a ship) go or cause to go to the bottom of the sea. 3) disappear and not be seen or heard of again. 4) drop downwards. 5) lower oneself or drop down gently …   English terms dictionary

  • sink — UK US /sɪŋk/ verb (sank, sunk) ► [I] if prices, profits, shares, etc. sink, they fall to a lower level: »Bond prices sank and stocks rose today. sink to sth »The dollar sank to a record low against the euro. »Shares sank 3% Wednesday to close at… …   Financial and business terms

  • sink something into — cause something sharp to penetrate (a surface). → sink …   English new terms dictionary

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