cause to subside

cause to subside
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  • subside — [ sybzid; sypsid ] n. m. • 1236 « assistance, secours »; succide 1220; lat. subsidium « renfort, ressources » ♦ Somme versée à un particulier ou à un groupement à titre d aide, de subvention, en rémunération de services. ⇒ 1. aide, allocation, 1 …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • subside — subsidence /seuhb suyd ns, sub si dns/, n. subsider, n. /seuhb suyd /, v.i., subsided, subsiding. 1. to sink to a low or lower level. 2. to become quiet, less active, or less violent; abate: The laughter subsided. 3. to sink or fall to the… …   Universalium

  • subside — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. i. sink, fall, ebb, lower; abate, lessen; settle, precipitate. See descent, decrease. II (Roget s IV) v. Syn. recede, sink, dwindle, wane; see ebb , fall 1 . See Synonym Study at wane . III (Roget s 3 …   English dictionary for students

  • lay — lay1 /lay/, v., laid, laying, n. v.t. 1. to put or place in a horizontal position or position of rest; set down: to lay a book on a desk. 2. to knock or beat down, as from an erect position; strike or throw to the ground: One punch laid him low.… …   Universalium

  • lay — I. /leɪ / (say lay) verb (laid, laying) –verb (t) 1. to put or place in a position of rest or recumbency: to lay a book on a desk. 2. to bring, throw, or beat down, as from an erect position: to lay a person low. 3. to cause to subside: to lay… …  

  • lay — lay1 [lā] vt. laid, laying [ME leyen, new formation < 3d pers. sing. of earlier leggen < OE lecgan, lit., to make lie (akin to Goth lagjan, Ger legen) < pt. base of OE licgan, to LIE1] 1. to cause to come down or fall with force; knock… …   English World dictionary

  • lay — I [[t]leɪ[/t]] v. laid, lay•ing, n. 1) to put or place in a horizontal position or position of rest; set down: to lay a book on a desk[/ex] 2) to knock or beat down, as from an erect position; strike or throw to the ground: One punch laid him… …   From formal English to slang

  • allay — I verb abate, alleviate, appease, assuage, blunt, calm, cause to be still, cause to subside, check, compose, constrain, control, curb, curtail, deaden, decrease, diminish, dull, hush, lenire, lessen, lighten, lull, minimize, mitigare, mitigate,… …   Law dictionary

  • laid — leɪd adj. positioned horizontally; fallen down; placed; displayed; thrown; located; set; caused; appeased leɪ n. way in which something is laid or lies (especially of a country); (Slang) sexual partner (vulgar); (Slang) sexual intercourse… …   English contemporary dictionary

  • lay — leɪ n. way in which something is laid or lies (especially of a country); (Slang) sexual partner (vulgar); (Slang) sexual intercourse (vulgar) n. poem which tells a story (especially one that can be sung); song v. place in a horizontal position;… …   English contemporary dictionary

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