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  • cause — cause, causal explanation In non specialist contexts, to ask for the cause of some particular happening is to ask what made it happen, or brought it about. To give a causal explanation is to answer such questions, usually by specifying some prior …   Dictionary of sociology

  • Suffer the Little Children — Infobox short story | name = Suffer the Little Children title orig = translator = author = Stephen King country = United States language = English series = genre = Horror published in = Cavalier Nightmares and Dreamscapes publication type =… …   Wikipedia

  • Lost Cause of the Confederacy — The Lost Cause is the name commonly given to a literary and intellectual movement that sought to reconcile the traditional white society of the Southern United States to the defeat of the Confederate States of America in the Civil War of 1861… …   Wikipedia

  • Kids with a Cause — was founded by Linda Finnegan in September 1999, to teach the principles and practices of philanthropy to today s youth through interactive programs. Their goal is to provide solutions to specific problems affecting children who suffer from… …   Wikipedia

  • Thou Shalt Suffer — est un groupe norvégien de death metal / black metal. Groupe formé par Samoth (guitare/batterie), Ihsahn (chant/guitare, et Mortiis (basse), qui abandonnèrent ce nom pour Emperor, lorqu ils rencontrèrent Euronymous vers 1991. Thou Shalt Suffer… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Mixtec language — Mixtecan Spoken in Mexico; USA Region Oaxaca, Puebla, Guerrero; California Native speakers 550,000  (date missing) Language family …   Wikipedia

  • starve — [stärv] vi. starved, starving [ME sterven < OE steorfan, to die, perish, akin to Ger sterben: see START] 1. a) to die from lack of food b) to suffer or become weak from hunger c) Informal to be ravenously hungry …   English World dictionary

  • starve — /stahrv/, v., starved, starving. v.i. 1. to die or perish from lack of food or nourishment. 2. to be in the process of perishing or suffering severely from hunger. 3. to suffer from extreme poverty and need. 4. to feel a strong need or desire:… …   Universalium

  • starve — v. 1 intr. die of hunger; suffer from malnourishment. 2 tr. cause to die of hunger or suffer from lack of food. 3 intr. suffer from extreme poverty. 4 intr. colloq. feel very hungry (I m starving). 5 intr. a suffer from mental or spiritual want.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • starve — verb (starved; starving) Etymology: Middle English sterven to die, starve, from Old English steorfan to die; akin to Old High German sterban to die, and probably to Lithuanian starinti to stiffen more at stare Date: 15th century intransitive verb …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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