causing disagreement
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divisive — adjective bisected, causing disagreement, causing disassociation, causing disjunction, causing separation, cleavable, creating dissension, creating disunity, creating hostility, discordant, discrepant, disengaging, disjoined, disjunctive,… … Law dictionary
contention — con|ten|tion [ kən tenʃən ] noun FORMAL * 1. ) count an opinion or statement that something is true, especially one made during a discussion or argument: My main contention is that we should be educating children to be good citizens. 2. ) uncount … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
divisive — [də vī′siv, də vī′ziv; ] also [, dəvis′iv] adj. [LL divisivus] causing division; esp., causing disagreement or dissension divisively adv. divisiveness n … English World dictionary
contentious — con|ten|tious [ kən tenʃəs ] adjective 1. ) causing disagreement between people or groups: CONTROVERSIAL: Sex education in schools remains a highly contentious issue. 2. ) enjoying arguing with other people: ARGUMENTATIVE … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
have — [ weak əv, həv, strong hæv ] (3rd person singular has [ weak əz, həz, strong hæz ] ; past tense and past participle had [ weak əd, həd, strong hæd ] ) verb *** Have can be used in the following ways: as an auxiliary verb in perfect tenses of… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
divisive — [dɪ vʌɪsɪv] adjective causing disagreement or hostility. Derivatives divisively adverb divisiveness noun Origin C16: from late L. divisivus, from L. dividere (see divide) … English new terms dictionary
contentious — UK [kənˈtenʃəs] / US adjective 1) causing disagreement between people or groups Sex education in schools remains a highly contentious issue. 2) enjoying arguing with other people … English dictionary
have out — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms have out : present tense I/you/we/they have out he/she/it has out present participle having out past tense had out past participle had out 1) have something out to have a tooth removed from your mouth or an… … English dictionary
in contention — 1) competing for a prize or job, especially when you seem likely to succeed We are still in contention for the first division title. 2) causing disagreement between people or groups The matter of who will do what is no longer in contention. See:… … English dictionary
divisive — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ causing disagreement or hostility. DERIVATIVES divisively adverb divisiveness noun … English terms dictionary