
oath n
1: a solemn attestation of the truth of one's words or the sincerity of one's intentions; specif: one accompanied by calling upon a deity as a witness
2: a promise (as to perform official duties faithfully) corroborated by an oath compare perjury
under oath: under a solemn and esp. legal obligation to tell the truth (as when testifying)

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I noun adjuration, affirmation, affirmation of truth, affirmation of truth of a statement, asseveration, attestation, avouchment, avowal, avowance, guarantee, jusjurandum, open declaration, pledge, promise, solemn affirmation, solemn avowal, solemn declaration, solemn invocation, swearing, sworn pledge, sworn promise, sworn statement, vow foreign phrases:
- Repellitur a sacramento infamis. — An infamous person is denied the right to make an oath
- Sacramentum habet in se tres comites, veritatem, justitiam et judicium; veritus habenda est in jurato, justitia et judicium in judice. — An oath has in it three components – truth, justice, and judgment, truth in the party swearing, justice and judgment in the judge administering the oath
- Juramentum est indivisibile; et non est admittendum in parte verum et in parte falsam. — An oath is indivisible, it is not to be held as partly true and partly false
- Jusjurandum inter alios factum nee nocere nee prodesse debet. — An oath made between other parties ought neither to hurt nor profit
- Non est arctius vinculum inter homines quam jusjurandum. — There is no stronger bond between men than an oath.
- Jurato creditur in judicio. — He who makes an oath is to be believed in a judicial proceeding
- Jusjurandi forma verbis differt, re convenit; hone enim sensum habere debet, ut Deus invocetur. — The form of taking an oath differs in language, agrees in meaning, for it ought to have this meaning that the deity is invoked
- Perjuri sunt qui servatis verbis juramenti decipiunt aures eorum qui accipiunt. — They are perjured, who, preserving the words of an oath, deceive the ears of those who receive it
- Omne sacramentum debet esse de certa scientia. — Every oath ought to be founded on certain knowledge
- Sacramentum si fatuum fuerit, licet falsum, tamen non committlt perjurium. — A foolish oath, although false, does not give rise to perjury
II index adjuration, affirmation, asseveration, assurance, attestation, avouchment, confirmation, covenant, obligation (duty), pledge (binding promise), profession (declaration), promise, undertaking (pledge), vow

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

The act of swearing that something is true; a promise to tell the truth in court or perform some act, often sworn before a witness or invoking a supreme power.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

a solemn or holy statement or promise to tell the truth. The main purpose of oaths in modern times is not as in the past to ensure that a witness actually tells the truth (for fear of God) but now to punish him severely if he lies – for the crime of perjury. Accordingly, there is in fact no need for the oath for that purpose, and secular and mixed societies allow evidence and statements to be given by way of affirmation.

Collins dictionary of law. . 2001.

An attestation that one will tell the truth, or a promise to fulfill a pledge, often calling upon God as a witness. The best known oath is probably the witnesss pledge to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth during a legal proceeding. All witnesses are given the oath (sworn in) before testifying. In another context, a public official usually takes an oath of office before assuming the position, declaring that he or he will faithfully perform the job's duties.
Category: Criminal Law
Category: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

n. A solemn swearing to the truth of statements delivered orally and/or in written form. Making of false statements while under oath may result in prosecution for perjury. An affidavit is a written oath.
See also affirmation.
@ oath of office
A sworn promise to carry out the duties and responsibilities of a position, diligently and as required by law.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

Any type of attestation by which an individual signifies that he or she is bound in conscience to perform a particular act truthfully and faithfully; a solemn declaration of truth or obligation.
An individual's appeal to God to witness the truth of what he or she is saying or a pledge to do something enforced by the individual's responsibility to answer to God.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

Any type of attestation by which an individual signifies that he or she is bound in conscience to perform a particular act truthfully and faithfully; a solemn declaration of truth or obligation.
An individual's appeal to God to witness the truth of what he or she is saying or a pledge to do something enforced by the individual's responsibility to answer to God.
II A solemn pledge made under a sense of responsibility in attestation of the truth of a statement or in verification of a statement made.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

   1) a swearing to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, which would subject the oath-taker to a prosecution for the crime of perjury if he/she knowingly lies in a statement either orally in a trial or deposition or in writing. Traditionally, the oath concludes "so help me God," but the approval of a supreme being is often omitted. Criminal perjury charges are rare, however, since the person stating the untruth will almost always claim error, mistake, loss of memory or opinion. At the beginning of any testimony by a witness, the clerk or court reporter administers an oath to the witness.
   2) The "swearing in" of a person assuming a public office, sometimes called the "oath of office."
   3) sworn commitment of allegiance, as to one's country.
   See also: affidavit, perjury

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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