
I adjective ceaseless, confirmed, constant, continual, continuing, continuous, cyclical, deep-rooted, deep-seated, drawn out, endless, enduring, entrenched, established, ever-present, everlasting, extended, forever, frequent, habitual, immedicable, incessant, inextinguished, invariable, lasting, lingering, long-continuing, long-lived, long-standing, longstanding, maintained, never-ceasing, never-stopping, not averruncated, not restorable, of long duration, often, ongoing, perdurable, perennial, permanent, perpetual, persevering, persistent, persisting, prolonged, protracted, recurrent, recurring, regular, repeating, repetitious, repetitive, resisting, returning, returning at intervals, serious, set, settled, steadfast, stubborn, sustained, tenacious, unalleviated, unceasing, uncorrectable, undestroyed, undying, unending, unerasable, unfading, unhealable, unintermitting, uninterrupted, unmitigated, unmitigating, unrelievable, unremedied, unremittent, unremitting, unshifting, unslackening, unstopped, unstopping, unsubsiding, unsuppressed, unvarying, unyielding, virulent, wearing II index constant, durable, habitual, incorrigible, inveterate, permanent, perpetual, persistent, stable

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  • chronic — [krän′ik] adj. [Fr cronique < L chronicus < Gr chronikos, of time < chronos, time] 1. lasting a long time or recurring often: said of a disease, and distinguished from ACUTE 2. having had an ailment for a long time [a chronic patient] 3 …   English World dictionary

  • Chronic — may refer to: Chronic (medicine), a disease that is long lasting and reoccurring. Chronic toxicity, a substance with toxic effects after continuous or repeated exposure The Chronic, a 1992 album by Dr. Dre 2001 (album) or The Chronic 2001, a 1999 …   Wikipedia

  • chronić — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}cz. ndk VIIb, chronićnię, chronićni, chroń, chronićniony {{/stl 8}}{{stl 7}} nie dopuszczać, by komuś lub czemuś stało się coś złego, szkodliwego; pilnować, strzec, ochraniać, zabezpieczać, osłaniać : {{/stl 7}}{{stl… …   Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień

  • chronic — is used of a disease that is long lasting (as opposed to acute), and has the same implication of continuing severity when used of other circumstances. An acute problem is intense but brief, whereas a chronic problem is severe and likely to… …   Modern English usage

  • Chronic — Chron ic, a. [L. chronicus, Gr. ? concerning time, from ? time: cf. F. chronique.] 1. Relating to time; according to time. [1913 Webster] 2. Continuing for a long time; lingering; habitual. [1913 Webster] {Chronic disease}, one which is… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • chronic — early 15c., from O.Fr. chronique, from L. chronicus, from Gk. khronikos of time, from khronos time. Vague disapproving sense is from association with diseases (a connection found since c.1600) …   Etymology dictionary

  • chronic — *inveterate, confirmed, deep seated, deep rooted Analogous words: established, fixed, settled (see SET): *hardened, indurated, callous Antonyms: acute (of illness) …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • CHRONIC — • chronic disease, rheumatoid arthritis, neoplasms, infections, cryoglobulinemia [conditions in which rheumatoid factor is produced] …   Dictionary of medical acronyms & abbreviations

  • chronic — [adj] incessant, never ending abiding, ceaseless, confirmed, constant, continual, continuing, continuous, deep rooted, deep seated, enduring, ever present, fixed, habitual, inborn, inbred, incurable, ineradicable, ingrained, inveterate, lasting,… …   New thesaurus

  • chronic — ► ADJECTIVE 1) (of an illness or problem) persisting for a long time. 2) having a persistent illness or bad habit. 3) Brit. informal very bad. DERIVATIVES chronically adverb chronicity noun. ORIGIN Greek khronikos of time , from khron …   English terms dictionary

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