
I verb avoid doing, be cunning, be sly, beguile, bypass, circonvenir, circumscribere, circumvenire, cloak, conceal, confuse, contravene, contrive, counteract, counterwork, cover, deceive, defeat, defraud, delude, devise, disrupt, elude, escape, evade, foil, hoax, mislead, outmaneuver, outreach, outwit, pettifog, practice chicanery, prevaricate, proceed by stratagem, scheme, swindle, thwart, tourner la loi, traverse, trick associated concepts: circumvent the law II index betray (lead astray), bilk, border (bound), deceive, dupe, escape, evade (deceive), illude, overreach, pettifog, prevent, shun

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • Circumvent — Cir cum*vent , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Circumvented}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Circumventing}.] [L. circumventis, p. p. of circumvenire, to come around, encompass, deceive; circum + venire to come, akin to E. come.] To gain advantage over by arts, stratagem …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • circumvent — (v.) mid 15c., to surround by hostile stratagem, from L. circumventus, pp. of circumvenire to get around, encircle, surround, in transferred sense to oppress, assail, cheat, from circum around (see CIRCUM (Cf. circum )) + venire to come (see… …   Etymology dictionary

  • circumvent — outwit, baffle, balk, *frustrate, thwart, foil Analogous words: forestall, anticipate, *prevent: evade, *escape, elude, avoid: trick, befool, hoodwink, *dupe Antonyms: conform (to laws, orders): cooperate (with persons) Con …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • circumvent — [v] fool, mislead avoid, beat, beguile, bilk, bypass, circumnavigate, cramp, crimp, deceive, detour, disappoint, dodge, dupe, elude, ensnare, entrap, escape, evade, foil, frustrate, get around, hoodwink, outflank, outwit, overreach, prevent,… …   New thesaurus

  • circumvent — ► VERB ▪ find a way around (an obstacle). DERIVATIVES circumvention noun. ORIGIN Latin circumvenire skirt around …   English terms dictionary

  • circumvent — [sʉr΄kəm vent′, sʉr′kəm vent΄] vt. [< L circumventus, pp. of circumvenire < circum, around + venire,COME] 1. to surround or circle around 2. to surround or encircle with evils, enmity, etc.; entrap 3. to get the better of or prevent from… …   English World dictionary

  • circumvent — circumventer, circumventor, n. circumvention, n. circumventive, adj. /serr keuhm vent , serr keuhm vent /, v.t. 1. to go around or bypass: to circumvent the lake; to circumvent the real issues. 2. to avoid (defeat …   Universalium

  • circumvent — [[t]sɜ͟ː(r)kəmve̱nt[/t]] circumvents, circumventing, circumvented 1) VERB If someone circumvents a rule or restriction, they avoid having to obey the rule or restriction, in a clever and perhaps dishonest way. [FORMAL] [V n] Military planners… …   English dictionary

  • circumvent — UK [ˌsɜː(r)kəmˈvent] / US [ˌsɜrkəmˈvent] / US [ˈsɜrkəmˌvent] verb [transitive] Word forms circumvent : present tense I/you/we/they circumvent he/she/it circumvents present participle circumventing past tense circumvented past participle… …   English dictionary

  • circumvent — cir•cum•vent [[t]ˌsɜr kəmˈvɛnt, ˈsɜr kəmˌvɛnt[/t]] v. t. 1) to go around or bypass: to circumvent the lake; to circumvent a problem[/ex] 2) to avoid by artfulness; elude: to circumvent defeat[/ex] 3) to surround or encompass, as by stratagem;… …   From formal English to slang

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