civil constitution

civil constitution
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  • Civil Constitution of the Clergy — A commemorative plate from 1790 shows a curate swearing the Constitution. The Civil Constitution of the Clergy (French: Constitution civile du clergé ) was a law passed on 12 July 1790 during the French Revolution, that subordinated the Roman… …   Wikipedia

  • Civil Constitution of the Clergy — (July 12, 1790) Act, passed by the National Assembly during the French Revolution, that subordinated the Roman Catholic church in France to the state. Under its provisions, enfranchised citizens would elect bishops and parish priests and the… …   Universalium

  • French Revolution from the abolition of feudalism to the Civil Constitution of the Clergy — The French Revolution was a period in the history of France covering the years 1789 to 1799, in which republicans overthrew the Bourbon monarchy and the Roman Catholic Church perforce underwent radical restructuring. This article covers the year… …   Wikipedia

  • Constitution of the Year VIII — The Constitution of the Year VIII was a national constitution of France, adopted December 24, 1799 (during the Year VIII of the French Revolutionary Calendar), which established the form of government known as the Consulate. The coup of 18… …   Wikipedia

  • Civil Constitition of the Clergy —    Decreed at the time of the revolution of 1789 (July 12, 1790) by a vote of the National Constituent Assembly and sanctioned by the king (August 24), this constitution, of liberal and Gallican inspiration (see gallicanism), sought to organize… …   France. A reference guide from Renaissance to the Present

  • constitution — /kon sti tooh sheuhn, tyooh /, n. 1. the way in which a thing is composed or made up; makeup; composition: the chemical constitution of the cleanser. 2. the physical character of the body as to strength, health, etc.: He has a strong constitution …   Universalium

  • civil — civilness, n. /siv euhl/, adj. 1. of, pertaining to, or consisting of citizens: civil life; civil society. 2. of the commonwealth or state: civil affairs. 3. of citizens in their ordinary capacity, or of the ordinary life and affairs of citizens …   Universalium

  • Constitution of Canada — This article is part of a series Constitutional history …   Wikipedia

  • Constitution of Malaysia — Ratified 27 August 1957 Authors Delegates of the Reid Commission and later of the Cobbold Commission Purpose Indepe …   Wikipedia

  • Constitution Act, 1867 — Constitution of Canada This article is part of a series Constitutional history …   Wikipedia

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