
ar·gu·ment n
1: a reason or the reasoning given for or against a matter under discussion compare evidence, proof
2: the act or process of arguing, reasoning, or discussing; esp: oral argument

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I (contention) noun altercation, antagonism, belligerency, bickering, breach, clashing, conflict, contentiousness, controversy, cross-purposes, debate, difference of opinion, disaccord, disagreement, discord, disputatio, disputation, dispute, dissension, dissent, dissidence, disunion, disunity, division, divisiveness, feud, hard feelings, hostility, ill feeling, ill will, lack of concord, misunderstanding, opposition, oral contention, polemics, quarrel, quarreling, strife, variance, verbal conflict, war of words, wrangle, wrangling associated concepts: a posteriori, a priori, apex juris foreign phrases:
- In rebus manifestis, errat qui auctoritates legum allegat; quia perspicua vera non sunt probanda. — In clear cases, he errs who cites legal authorities because obvious truths are manifest and do not have to be proved
- Argumentum ab inconvenienti est validum in lege; quia lex non permittit aliquod inconveniens. — An argument drawn from what is inconvenient is good in law, because the law will not permit any inconvenience.
II (pleading) noun argument at the bar, counterstatement, course of reasoning, defense, demonstration, discourse designed to convince, disputation, expression of opinion for or against, plea, pleading, rationale, rebuttal, refutation, statement of defense, statement offered in proof, statement tending to prove a point, submission associated concepts: argument submitted to the court, closing argument, equittable argument, legal argument, opening argument, oral argument, preargument statement foreign phrases:
- In rebus manifestis, errat qui auctoritates legum allegat; quia perspicua vera non sunt probanda. — In clear cases, he errs who cites legal authorities because obvious truths are manifest and do not have to be proved.
III index altercation, brief, conflict, confrontation (altercation), contest (dispute), contravention, disaccord, disagreement, discourse, disparity, dispute, dissent (difference of opinion), dissidence, persuasion, pleading, point (item), reason (basis), remonstrance, rift (disagreement), thesis

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

A set of reasons given in logical order intended to persuade hearers of a particular conclusion; a speech given by an attorney to the judge or jury in order to present a case and persuade the listeners to believe it.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

A persuasive presentation summarizing the law and facts regarding an issue.
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Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

1 The reason or reasons offered for or against something.
2 The formal oral or written presentation of such reasons intended to convince or persuade.
3 The section of an appellate or trial brief in which a party presents its interpretation of the law.
@ closing argument
At a trial, the final statement given by the parties or their attorneys to the judge or jury, before deliberation, in which they summarize the evidence and the applicable law, present their interpretation of the same, and ask that a judgment or verdict be reached in their or their clients' favors.
=>> argument.
@ oral argument
1 A party or his attorney's oral presentation to a court stating the factual and legal reasons why the court should decide a legal issue or take particular action in their favor.
2 The procedure by which such arguments from all parties are heard by the court.
n. The spoken legal presentation by the attorneys before a court, in an effort to persuade same to decide in favor of his or her side.
=>> argument.
@ reargument
The oral, and sometimes written, presentation of additional arguments to a court on a matter previously argued before the court, but on which no decision has yet been rendered, for the purpose of advising the court of some controlling appellate court decision or principle of law that was previously overlooked or of some misapprehension of facts.
n. The bringing of a court's attention to some substantive principle that was overlooked or misrepresented during the initial arguments before that court, usually occurring before the court reaches its decision.
=>> argument.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

A form of expression consisting of a coherent set of reasons presenting or supporting a point of view; a series of reasons given for or against a matter under discussion that is intended to convince or persuade the listener.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

A form of expression consisting of a coherent set of reasons presenting or supporting a point of view; a series of reasons given for or against a matter under discussion that is intended to convince or persuade the listener.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

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