- coherent
(clear) adjective
adapted to the understanding, apparent, apprehensible, articulate, audible, clear-cut, cogent, cognizable, cohaerens, comprehensible, concise, congruens, decipherable, defined, definite, direct, discernible, distinct, easily understood, easy to grasp, easy to understand, evident, exact, exoteric, exoterical, explained, explanatory, explicable, explicatory, explicit, express, expressive, fathomable, forthright, graphic, illuminated, in evidence, intelligible, interpreted, knowable, legible, logical, logically appealing, logically consistent, lucid, luminous, making sense, manifest, meaningful, obvious, palpable, pellucid, penetrable, perceivable, perceptible, perspicuous, plain, precise, realizable, recognizable, scrutable, self-evident, simple, straightforward, unambiguous, unblurred, unconfused, understandable, understood, undisguised, unequivocal, unmistakable, visible, vivid, well-defined, well-marked
(joined) adjective
accreted, accretive, adherent, adhering, adhesive, agglutinate, agglutinative, allied, amalgamative, cleaving, cleaving together, dinging, close, coadunate, coagulate, coagulated, coalescent, cohaerens, cohering, cohesive, combined, composite, compressed, congealed, conglomerate, conglomeratic, congruens, conjoined, conjunct, connected, consolidated, contextus, coupled, fused, holding together, incorporated, indivisible, inseparable, interlinked, interlocked, interrelated, sticking, sticking together, united, viscous
agreed (harmonized), cohesive (sticking), commensurable, consensual, consistent, consonant, convincing, logical
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006