Commendation — Com men*da tion, n. [L. commendatio.] 1. The act of commending; praise; favorable representation in words; recommendation. [1913 Webster] Need we . . . epistles of commendation? 2 Cor. iii. 1. [1913 Webster] By the commendation of the great… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
commendation — expression of approval, late 14c. (from c.1200 as the name of one of the Offices of the Dead), from O.Fr. commendacion approval, praise, from L. commendationem (nom. commendatio) recommendation, commendation, noun of action from commendare (see… … Etymology dictionary
Commendation — (v. lat.), 1) Empfehlung, Lob; 2) (Lehnrecht), die Handlung, wenn man Einem etwas zur Verwahrung übergibt, wenn sich Einer[301] unter eines Anderen Schutz begibt sich als Vasall unterwirft, wenn Einer sein Gut einem Anderen auf Lebenszeit od. auf … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
commendation — [n] giving of praise; acclaim acclamation, approbation, approval, award, bouquet, Brownie points*, credit, encomium, encouragement, good opinion, honor, panegyric, pat on the back*, pat on the head*, pay, plum, points*, posy, PR*, puff, pumping… … New thesaurus
commendation — [käm΄ən dā′shən] n. [ME commendacion < L commendatio] 1. the act of commending; esp., recommendation or praise 2. [pl.] Archaic greetings or regards, as to a friend … English World dictionary
commendation — n. a commendation for (a commendation for bravery) * * * [ˌkɒmən deɪʃ(ə)n] a commendation for (a commendation for bravery) … Combinatory dictionary
commendation — /kom euhn day sheuhn/, n. 1. the act of commending; recommendation; praise: commendation for a job well done. 2. something that commends, as a formal recommendation or an official citation or award: a commendation for bravery. 3. Feudal Law. the… … Universalium
commendation — noun 1) letters of commendation Syn: praise, congratulation, appreciation; acclaim, credit, recognition, respect, esteem, admiration, homage, tribute 2) a commendation for bravery Syn … Thesaurus of popular words
commendation — UK [ˌkɒmenˈdeɪʃ(ə)n] / US [ˌkɑmənˈdeɪʃ(ə)n] noun Word forms commendation : singular commendation plural commendations 1) [uncountable] formal official or public praise 2) [countable] an official prize given to someone who has done something very… … English dictionary
commendation — Ho omaika i. ♦ Letter of commendation, palapala ho omaika i … English-Hawaiian dictionary