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Comunidor — Die romanische Kirche Santa Maria de Porqueres (Katalonien) mit ihrem freistehenden Comunidor (links) … Deutsch Wikipedia
admonish — I (advise) verb admonere, advocate, alert, call attention to, charge, correct, counsel, enjoin, exhort, give advice, give counsel, give notice, inform, instruct, notify, offer counsel, prescribe, propound, recommend, submit, suggest, urge II… … Law dictionary
remind — I verb admonere, advise, awaken memories, bring back, bring to recollection, bring up, cause to recollect, cause to remember, commonere, cue, drop a hint, give notice, haunt, hint, jog the memory, make an allusion to, note, point out, prod,… … Law dictionary
kommonieren — kom|mo|nie|ren <aus gleichbed. lat. commonere zu ↑kon... u. monere »(er)mahnen, erinnern«> (veraltet) ermahnen, erinnern … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
admonnester — Admonnester, Monere, Admonere, Commonere, Commonefacere, Emonere, Praecipere. Admonnester aucunement, Submonere. Admonnester et advertir premier que quelque chose se face, Praemonere. Il vaut mieux l admonnester, Meliusculum est monere. Qui m… … Thresor de la langue françoyse
debvoir — I. Le Debvoir, Ce que chascun doibt faire selon droit et raison, Officium. Le debvoir qu un homme doibt à l autre, Humanitas. Le debvoir qu on doibt envers Dieu premierement, et apres envers ses pere et mere, enfans et autres prochains, Pietas.… … Thresor de la langue françoyse
commonition — ˌkäməˈnishən noun ( s) Etymology: Latin commonition , commonitio, from commonitus (past participle of commonēre to remind, impress upon, from com + monēre to remind, warn + ion , io ion more at mind : admonition … Useful english dictionary